Category Archives: Moleskine

Moleskine Monday: Valerie’s Journal Pages

I love the way Valerie Sjodin is using her squared Moleskine to create beautifully decorated journal pages. So much color and texture. And it’s part of a great project– a journal with a page devoted to each letter of the alphabet as a prompt for exploring different aspects of the journaler’s life and personality.   … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Valerie’s Journal Pages

An Unusual-Looking Notebook

The Tumblr site Things Organized Neatly is often a good place to spot notebooks. When people lay out the stuff that’s in their bag or on their desk, a notebook is often included, though usually they are recognizably Moleskines without any distinguishing wear and tear. This entry does seem to feature a Moleskine (upper right … Continue reading An Unusual-Looking Notebook

Moleskine Monday: Custom Books

It’s become quite common for people to customize Moleskines by having a company logo stamped or printed onto the cover. Sometimes there might even be some custom content inside. But it is relatively rare that actual books are published using a Moleskine notebook as the medium. Here are two that I own: The first is … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Custom Books

Notebook Addict of the Week: Stefanie

Aside from notebooks, one of my other great loves is books. So I completely identified with this week’s addict’s linking of the two : Bookish people tend to like books with words already in them as well as books that are blank and waiting to be filled by their own hands. I know I do. … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Stefanie

A Real Picasso Sketchbook

The Moleskine mythology of having been the notebook used by Picasso, Hemingway, and Chatwin is, of course, not true, as the Moleskine brand didn’t exist until the late 1990s. But since the Moleskines we know today were modeled after similar notebooks used by these and many other artists and writers in the early 20th century, … Continue reading A Real Picasso Sketchbook

Sketchbook Pages by Designers and Illustrators

A cool gallery of some great sketchbook pages, from the book Sketchbooks: The Hidden Art of Designers, Illustrators, and Creatives. This one is by Lauren Simkin Berke: And this one’s by Andrea Dezsö: See more at A Look Inside The Sketchbooks Of 10 Terrific Creatives | Co.Design: business + innovation + design.

Notebook Addict of the Week: Susannah

Susannah’s blog post has lots of great photos of the 8 Moleskines she is currently using, each for a different purpose, including an art journal, prayer journal and “everything I want to remember for eventually” notebook. See many more photos, including some closeups of her beautiful handwriting, at (life is too short not to) wear … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Susannah

Review: Piccadilly Softcover Notebook

This is another notebook I bought about 3 years ago and then immediately shelved. When I first examined it after buying it, I pretty much hated it. I bought it because it was cheap and I’d never tried a softcover Piccadilly, though I’d liked using some of their hardcover ones with graph or plain paper. … Continue reading Review: Piccadilly Softcover Notebook

Notebook Addict of the Week: Joe

This week’s addict emailed me the photo below, and added these comments: The attached photo is of my notebook collection.  Being in the military I take 2 or 3 pages of notes everyday.  I carry a large rite in the rain. They are very durable in both design and paper quality. I have a moleskine … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Joe

Notebooks in Magazines

A few notebook mentions and images culled from magazines recently: First, from a New Yorker profile of playwright Annie Baker:   From a New Yorker article about Thom Yorke of Radiohead and Atoms for Peace:   A Smythson diary makes a cameo appearance in a fashion spread: This is truly spectacular: a collection of journal/scrapbook/sketchbooks … Continue reading Notebooks in Magazines