Category Archives: Moleskine

Sketchbook Preparation

A fascinating blog post about preparing to do a sketchbook and laying out the pages. This method won’t be for everyone, but it’s something I’d like to think about for my next travel sketchbook, as I rarely feel like my sketchbook pages have good composition: “I approach my sketchbooks like a graphic designer and the … Continue reading Sketchbook Preparation

Moleskine Monday: Tiled Drawing

A fun promotion for Evernote Moleskines (though I don’t see how it would be a good example of their digital/paper effectiveness): “We had a design event tonight. For the give away, Carlos Rocafort drew a mural on 18 different Evernote Moleskine notebooks. It took him a full weekend and 4 pens, but everyone was pretty … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Tiled Drawing

Notebook Addict of the Week: Biffybeans

This is an oldie but a goodie, and when I came across it, I wondered how I’d never selected Biffybeans aka Stephanie as an addict of the week before. Many of you probably know her well, as the blogger at both Spiritual Evolution of the Bean and Rhodia Drive, as well as a talented artist. … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Biffybeans

Notebooks on Alexa Von Tobel’s Desk

The New York Times takes a look at the desk of Alexa Von Tobel, the founder and C.E.O. of That’s quite a few notebooks on one desk! Here’s her thoughts on using them: OLD TECHNOLOGY I always have Moleskine notebooks on my desk. I am a big journaler. Every day I write down where … Continue reading Notebooks on Alexa Von Tobel’s Desk

Notebooks Organized Neatly

Another nice image containing notebooks from Things Organized Neatly, this one by Andy Barron. The one in the bottom right could be a DesignY notebook. In the middel, probably a Moleskine Cahier. I’m not sure about the other notebooks, but the other funny thing I noticed about this picture is that I have the same … Continue reading Notebooks Organized Neatly

Moleskine Monday: New Brand Look?

Moleskine’s got a new look, at least for their website and ads. I wonder if they’ll start to use this new concept on the notebooks themselves, or their packaging? Over the past few years, the company has diversified into areas such as apps and print-on-demand services – and a new identity for the brand created … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: New Brand Look?

Questions From Readers

Our extended family of notebook fans are always passionately searching for the perfect notebook. I’m often stumped by the questions I receive, so once again, I’m crowd-sourcing the research! From Q: Hi, I was wondering if you know of any places selling clear plastic covers for Moleskine Cahier or Volant pocket-sized notebooks? I have a … Continue reading Questions From Readers

Palimpsest’s Stationery Store Series

The blogger at Palimpsest does us all a great service with a fantastic series of posts about favorite stationery shops around the world, mostly in Europe. Each is well-documented with photos: Evripidis in Athens, Greece: Pen to Paper in Brighton, UK: I love visiting stationery shops when I travel. Even though the major brands like … Continue reading Palimpsest’s Stationery Store Series