Connie at Dirty Footprints Studio has a lot of great posts about keeping a sketchbook. She uses a Moleskine, but there are great ideas and inspiration here for establishing a regular sketchbook practice with any sketchbook you choose to use: The key is to allow your creativity to be organic. Don’t put so much pressure … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Video Sketchbook Tour from Dirty Footprints Studio→
A couple of links about Moleskine’s Postal Notebooks: A review at Inktronics: Special Guest Post by Bogon07 Moleskine Postal Notebook The review is hand-written in the notebook itself, over several pages including the one below: The bleed-through looks pretty bad with those fountain pen inks, so using other types of pens or pencils is recommended. … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Postal Notebook→
Emma emailed me some photos of her collection, with these comments: My notebook collection isn’t quite as big as a lot of your other readers’ collections, but it’s on its way! I have: three plain Moleskine cahiers, spanning the last month of high school and my first year of college; two plain Moleskine softcovers, spanning … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Emma→
A reader tipped me off to this video about a rather neat promotion done with Moleskine notebooks: Link: Print Power Sensory Print Moleskine Direct Mail –
This is one of the weirdest things I’ve found in a notebook. In a Moleskine pocket sketchbook I bought a couple of years ago and just started using, there is an extra sheet of paper glued in. Usually, these notebook have 80 pages. It’s pretty straightforward– notebook page counts are always in multiples of 4, … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: An Extra Page→
This week’s addict blogs at xaprb, where he’s done an in-depth comparison of various notebooks to find the brand that works best for him. Here are the candidates: And here are the criteria: So what do I want? The size. It needs to be large enough to write on easily, leaving readable margins, without wasting … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Baron Schwartz→
Some good tips from the blog “Teach Kids Art” on how to establish a daily sketchbook routine, including suggestions for a lightweight, portable sketching kit. I can second the recommendation for most of these materials as I use them too: To ensure you have a sketchÂbook at your side when opporÂtuÂnity (or inspiÂraÂtion) strikes, you’ll … Continue reading Daily Sketching Tips→
This is a great idea– why let your favorite notebook pages go unseen? You don’t have to rip them out if you use one of these frames. I hope this Kickstarter project is a success! They need $40,000 by August 15 and have only raised about $2,500 as of this writing, so spread the word. … Continue reading MOLEHOUSE Frames→
Peaches emailed me lots of photos of her collection, and some musings on the various brands of notebooks she’s tried… but I think she’ll keep trying even more: “I still haven’t found the 100% perfect notebook, which would have thick, off-white plain paper and be a hardback just under A5 size. The closest I … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Peaches→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…