I don’t really get why people call so many Tumblr sites “F*** Yeah _____”. (Someone has even attempted to catalog them all: F*** Yeah Directory.) But anyway, there’s one that focuses on images of Moleskine pages. I love the variety of images people submit, including these: From http://derekthedeliman.tumblr.com/ Posted by uliakw cureforahangover
This week’s addict has been featured here before with a look at how she prepares her sketchbooks. Here’s how 5 years of those sketchbooks are stored: Although they look very uniform, she says there are 8 different types of sketchbooks in the collection. She was on Sketchbook #46 when the photo was posted in … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Liz Steel→
I love thinking about organizational systems using notebooks, and I love seeing other people’s thoughts on the same topic. Here’s a really interesting look at one person’s perfect sketchbook system. If you’re a serious sketchbook user, you know that it’s basically a second brain. By that, I mean it’s not just a place for … Continue reading “The Best Sketchbook Of All Time”→
Looks like Moleskine is introducing some interesting new items this spring. If you search on Amazon by pub date, you’ll see all the 2014 and 2015 planners, including something called a Dashboard Planner. Moleskine 2015 Dashboard Planner, Vertical, 12 Month, Large, Black, Hard Cover (5 x 8.25) They are also launching something I’ve long wanted … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Coming This Spring→
Not long ago, Moleskine and Milk announced their collaboration to create custom printed photo albums in Moleskine format. I was intrigued, but disappointed that only larger sizes were offered. Now there’s another way to print your own customized Moleskine book, this time in a pocket sized Japanese album format: “Your digital drawings can now … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Custom Printing→
Here’s a couple of notebooks I bought at Jet Pens about a year ago. First, the adorable little Metaphys notepad, shown next to a pocket Moleskine so you can see how small it is. I love the orange cloth-covered flexi cover. Inside there are blank pages made of a fairly thin, smooth paper. They are … Continue reading Quick Review: Notebooks from Jet Pens→
On Flickr, someone called gbsk has some amazingly over-stuffed Moleskines: Looks like a lot of colorful collaging going on inside! See more at Flickr: Search gbSk’s photostream.
Andrea Joseph shows off some neat sketches in various colors of pen and pencil, all in a Moleskine sketchbook. Here’s one of my faves: See more at andrea joseph’s sketchblog: four drawings, three places, one sketchbook.
I’m always trying to keep up with reviewing various samples that notebook manufacturers send me, but sometimes that means I don’t get around to reviewing notebooks I’ve actually bought myself! These are two I purchased over a year ago at the Kinokuniya bookstore in Manhattan. The stationery section in the basement is pen and notebook … Continue reading Quick Review: Notebooks from Kinokuniya→
Some images of Moleskine sketchbooks from an interview with Marco Mazzoni at Hi Fructose, an art magazine. Amazing use of colored pencils… What brand of sketchbook do you use? In this moment I use a Moleskine. Is really perfect because I can crush pen or pencil on paper but I haven’t signs on the opposite … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Marco Mazzoni→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…