Jamie from Twisted Sister (not the band) has been doing some holiday-themed drawings in a Moleskine Storyboard notebook. I’d never thought of this before, but she says this type is her favorite because the squares on the pages provide a nice small space in which to do a drawing, thereby removing “the fear factor of … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Holiday Storyboard Sketches→
This week’s addict emailed me to share her collection– or at least part of it: I’ve been reading your blog for about a year now, and my favourite part of it is the Addict of the Week. I always wonder if my collection is actually a bit absurd compared to some of the others, but … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Jemma→
I spotted this at McNally Jackson Bookstore in NYC and couldn’t resist: a small paperback book/facsimile notebook full of drawings by landscape architect Diana Balmori. From the publisher’s website (which seems to be the only place to buy the book online): “Notebooks is a record of sketches by Diana Balmori FASLA. Reflecting twenty years of … Continue reading Diana Balmori Notebooks→
I had a fun find over the weekend. I was in a small art supply store that happened to have a nice selection of notebooks, including some gorgeous sketchbooks from Bison Bookbinding, which I’d never heard of. I think this store must have decided to focus on these more unique items instead of more generic … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: They’re Out There…→
I stumbled across this wonderful collection while searching for info about Edward Weston’s daybooks. I never did find a photo of those, but I’m so glad I found the Knitorialist! She says: I started [keeping diaries] at 40. Whatever diaries I kept before that time were regularly disposed of, thinking they contained secret thoughts I … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: The Knitorialist→
Here’s a few notebooks spotted in assorted advertisements and articles: From the New York Times obituary of theater critic Stanley Kauffman: From the Wall Street Journal magazine, designer Marc Newson’s sketchbooks, among other favorite things. Also from the Wall Street Journal magazine, a Moleskine seems to be a favorite tool of Nike … Continue reading Notebooks Spottings→
Design Sponge has some great “sketchbook sneak peek” posts. This was one of my favorites, for the way it shows the thought process behind an artist’s work. Here’s what Matthew William Robinson’s finished work looks like: And here are some pages from his sketchbooks. There’s nothing perfect and pretty about them, they’re more about thought … Continue reading Matthew William Robinson’s Sketchbook→
This is really cool: the first-ever video submission for Notebook Addict of the Week! This comes from The Journal CEO, who says “I have Moleskines, Paperblanks, Peter Pauper Press, Barnes and Noble leather journals, Chronicle Books, Sanrio, Jacket Journals, and some random brands. I’ve been journaling regularly almost 7 years now.” I lost count of … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Journal CEO→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…