Category Archives: Moleskine

BookExpo 2014

For my day job, I attend the Book Expo convention every year. A fringe benefit of the show is that I usually manage to spot some notebook vendors and get a look at their new products, but at this year’s show, which occurred last weekend, it was really sparse! Leuchtturm had a colorful corner booth, … Continue reading BookExpo 2014

Notebook Addict of the Week: Paul J.

This week’s addict emailed me some photos of his notebook collection. Paul says “I really enjoy your site.  I’ve attached some photos of my collection, and it’s obvious that I have a problem/obsession with notebooks. I’ve kept a journal since 1992 during a trip to Europe with friends after college.  The obsession exploded from there.” … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Paul J.

Review and Giveaway: Leuchtturm Notebooks… and Sketchbook!

I’ve reviewed and mentioned Leuchtturm notebooks many times– over the last few years, they’ve been popping up in more and more stores and are probably Moleskine‘s closest competitor. I’m sure that is in part due to marketing efforts on the part of their distributor, Kikkerland, who were kind enough to send me the samples you’ll … Continue reading Review and Giveaway: Leuchtturm Notebooks… and Sketchbook!

Moleskine Monday: The New Yorker on Moleskine

The New Yorker has an article on their website about Moleskine’s history and new products: When Moleskine Went Digital. Much of it reads like it’s straight from a Moleskine press release, except for this key phrase towards the end: “Moleskine is very good at telling stories. The question is whether people are interested in hearing … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: The New Yorker on Moleskine

Notebook Addict of the Week: June

This week’s addict is one of the kind readers who loves notebooks so much, she even enjoys sharing her extras and once sent me a couple of notebooks to review. She probably didn’t miss them, as she has 267 other notebooks waiting to be used… or at least that was how many she had back … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: June

Notebook Addict of the Week: Emmanuel

This week’s addict has a habit of filling Moleskine and Rhodia notebooks. Look at these nice stacks! The Moleskine stack is pretty impressive given that he says he remembers first holding a Moleskine in his hands in January 2012. The Rhodias are from 2003-2006. Emmanuel says he wrote the first book in French about the … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Emmanuel

Notebook Addict of the Week (Again): Gerard

Here’s another repeat addict: Gerard is a Canadian artist and arts educator whose notebooks were featured here a few years ago. Looks like his collection of idea books and studio journals has kept on growing! Some Whitelines journals are now added to the mix too. Check out Gerard’s site: MIX AND SHIFT: OVER 60.

Tips from Readers

More from my inbox: A tip from M: “I have issues with the binding cracking/splitting on my Moleskines.  The solution – black duct tape.  Check out the photo.  Works great and doesn’t look too bad.” Peter shares some sketchbook pages and a tip on transfering art to notebook pages: “Just wanted to give you some … Continue reading Tips from Readers