Category Archives: Moleskine

Moleskine Monday: My Collection of City Notebooks

I’ve always been a fan of Moleskine’s City Notebooks. After noticing that they seemed to have scaled back their list of cities quite a bit (Moleskine Monday: Did the World Just Get Smaller?), I’ve been snapping up other cities wherever I can, often at good discounts off the original list price. Here’s my collection thus … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: My Collection of City Notebooks

Moleskine Monday: Spotted at Target

I stopped into a Target store the other day to see if there were any exciting notebooks to be found among all the back to school displays. Unfortunately, there was nothing all that enticing, but I did notice these unusual Moleskines, which must be made specially for Target. It’s not the first time I’ve seen … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Spotted at Target

DIY Hybrid Notebook

Here’s a cool notebook hacking project. Inspired by the Midori Traveler’s Notebook, Kate Smith decided to make something similar. She took a Ryman hardcover notebook and swapped the inside pages out for some elastic bands to hold inserts, either Midori ones or Moleskine Cahiers. Should work with Field Notes and many others too. I really … Continue reading DIY Hybrid Notebook

Moleskine Monday: The Voyageur Traveller’s Notebook

Here’s a new product from Moleskine that looks kind of cool: The Voyageur Traveller’s Notebook. When I first saw it, I thought, “Wow, Moleskine’s trying to get a piece of the Midori Traveller’s Notebook action.” There are lots of differences, but this new Moleskine is brown, which seems to be the most popular Midori color, … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: The Voyageur Traveller’s Notebook

Review: Design.Y Notebooks

I can’t believe it’s taken me over 2 years to review these notebooks. I first heard of Design-Y in early 2012, when they were receiving quite a bit of buzz on fountain pen blogs. If you’re not familiar with this brand, here’s the background: they are handmade in Japan by a Mr. Yoshino. He uses … Continue reading Review: Design.Y Notebooks

What I’m Using Now (and Recently)

A reader asked for more details about the notebooks in my “What I’m Using Now” photo. I haven’t been updating that photo as often as I should, though for the most part, it’s still accurate most of the time. The red and blue notebooks are HandBook Artist Journals that I have been slowly filling with … Continue reading What I’m Using Now (and Recently)

Boorum & Pease/Esselte Black Notebooks

Here’s another old-time favorite of mine: These are pocket sized notebooks made by Boorum & Pease and Esselte in the 1980s, with lined pages and a textured black hard cover. I look at these now and see them as a sort of proto-Moleskine. I was always looking for a nice “little black book,” in a … Continue reading Boorum & Pease/Esselte Black Notebooks