Category Archives: Moleskine

Moleskine Monday: Evernote Expansion

Moleskine’s Evernote collection keeps growing, as they now offer various options in pocket and large size, including squared, lined and plain pages, as well as the heavier-weight sketchbook pages, softcover journals, and a planner. Presumably this means the products have been successful, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone using one. I occasionally use … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Evernote Expansion

Review: Pen & Ink Squared Notebook

I’ve reviewed and mentioned the Pen & Ink brand sketchbooks several times on this site (see here, here, here, and here.) They are the closest substitute for a Moleskine sketchbook with the heavy-weight card stock paper, and they’re affordable and well-made. But I’ve never reviewed their other notebooks with standard weight paper. Squared notebooks are … Continue reading Review: Pen & Ink Squared Notebook

Jodi’s Finished Sketchbook

A tantalizing glimpse of a finished sketchbook: “Just finished a Moleskine watercolour sketchbook. Woo hoo! Nothing beats the feeling of the last mark of your pen on the final page. I know not long ago I said I’d finished another sketchbook but it’s not like I just whipped through a new one. I had actually … Continue reading Jodi’s Finished Sketchbook

Notebook Addict of the Week (Again): Shane

This week we have another repeat addict. Shane’s collection has grown since he was an addict of the week in February 2011. Here’s an update on his collection: Found these Peanuts journals over time online. They were originally put out in the late 90’s when I purchased the Charlie Brown edition. These are so hard … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week (Again): Shane

Notebook Addict of the Week: Heath

This week’s addict is the blogger at Pen Paper Ink Letter. Heath is another addict who uses many notebooks at once: 7 of them! Heath says “I get that seven notebooks sounds like a lot but each has its own purpose. I have flirted with moving to a few more but keep coming back to … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Heath

Finishing a Couple of Sketchbooks

I’ve had a few sketchbooks in various stages of completion for a couple of years, and I just put two of them to bed. One was a Moleskine sketchbook that I used almost entirely for lunchtime sketches while sitting in parks in NYC– mostly quick pencil sketches, with watercolors added to a few later. After … Continue reading Finishing a Couple of Sketchbooks

“The Pressures of a Really Good Notebook”

I quite sympathize with this person– it’s nice to get notebooks as gifts, but on the other hand they are very personal and what do you do if someone gives you one and you don’t know what to do with it? “When your family knows you’re a writer you get notebooks for presents, especially when … Continue reading “The Pressures of a Really Good Notebook”

My Inventory of Spare Notebooks

As you might imagine, I have a lot of notebooks stashed in various places. I have boxes of them under beds and in cabinets and in drawers. They are at home and at the office. They are pretty much everywhere! Lots of them are old ones that I have used. Lots of them are new … Continue reading My Inventory of Spare Notebooks