Category Archives: Moleskine

Moleskine Monday: Declining Distribution?

I started doing a little Christmas shopping this past weekend in some local Brooklyn shops and noticed something interesting: not many Moleskines! In a couple of shops that used to stock Moleskines among other journals, I spotted Leuchtturm or other brands (including Denik, which I’d never heard of), but no Moleskines. These were the kinds … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Declining Distribution?

Courtney Wotherspoon’s Sketchbook

I always enjoy the Sketchbook Sneak Peek series at Design Sponge. Here’s one from a while back, featuring Courtney Wotherspoon. What are your go-to sketch book supplies? Are there any brands or media that you’re particularly drawn to? Pens, Uni-Ball Deluxe Micro, always black. Sometimes a blue ballpoint pen sneaks in if I can’t find … Continue reading Courtney Wotherspoon’s Sketchbook

Notebook Addict of the Week: Rene

This week’s addict calls himself a “hoarder!” Yet he also has a generous spirit in his addiction: “I typically give most of these away, especially the Moleskines, to students as they want to write in what I’m writing in. I do journaling with them also so we kinda compete.” From top left: A three pack … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Rene

Notebook Addict of the Week (Again): The JournalCEO

This week’s repeat addict was featured about a year ago with my first ever video submission. Now she’s back again with another great video documenting her growing journal collection and some of the life experiences that have been documented in those journals. See more at TheJournalCEO – YouTube. Here’s what the JournalCEO has to say: … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week (Again): The JournalCEO

Review: Watercolor Sketchbook Comparison

I’m often dabbling with watercolors in sketchbooks that aren’t really made for using them– regular notebook or sketchbook paper can deteriorate a bit with wet paints, or wrinkle and buckle a lot as it dries. So I’ve been experimenting more with using actual watercolor paper in hopes of better results. I’ve had various watercolor pads … Continue reading Review: Watercolor Sketchbook Comparison

Moleskine Monday: “The Comeback of the Notebook”

Newsflash! People like using notebooks, even in our digital age! Below is a screenshot of a German video news segment (in English) about people using notebooks and sketchbooks, particularly Moleskines. My favorite part is the appearance of fellow notebook blogger Christian Mahler from See the video at The Comeback of the Notebook | All … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: “The Comeback of the Notebook”

Softcover and Single-Signature Notebooks from My Collection

On my “to-do” list for this blog has been a comparison of various notebooks in similar styles. I thought I’d do a post about softcover notebooks, and one about single-signature notebooks, similar to Field Notes and Moleskine Cahiers. So I went rooting around in my collection to find various examples of these styles, but the … Continue reading Softcover and Single-Signature Notebooks from My Collection

Moleskine Monday: New Products

It’s always interesting to see what new products pop up on Amazon for the coming year. There are quite a few “Chapters Journals” in various colors and sizes– unusual ones for Moleskine, such as 3.75 x7,” 3 x 5.5,” and 4.5 x 8.25.” The colors include “old rose,” “tawny olive,” and “plum purple.”  There are … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: New Products

Notebook Addict of the Week: Tracey

This week’s addict is on Twitter as @Thriftygal, but it doesn’t look like she’s all that thrifty when it comes to buying notebooks! Look at this glorious mess! I spy a Star Wars Moleskine and a Penguin notebook and lots of other unidentified notebooks. I love the way they’ve taken over her entire table! Thanks … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Tracey