Moleskine Monday: Office Stash
Here’s the latest photo of the spare Moleskines I keep in my office… You know, for emergencies… There are more at home…
Here’s the latest photo of the spare Moleskines I keep in my office… You know, for emergencies… There are more at home…
This week’s addict is a Frenchman who is crazy about notebooks! Il est fou de carnets, I guess you’d say! He also has a lot of fun documenting his notebook addiction in videos. Didier says: Take a look on some of my links on the Wiiiiild Wide Web: [My Moleskine « hack », 2 Notebooks merged … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Didier
“I filled up the last page of my sketchbook/journal the other day and am looking forward to cracking open another fresh, new Moleskine notebook. I have been using these same journals for over five years now and get such a sense of accomplishment from seeing them all lined up on our bookshelf, knowing that between … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: All Lined Up
This week’s addict is another discovery via Sharing Our Notebooks. Suz Blackaby is a writer of poetry, fiction and non-fiction for children. She’s laid out quite a collection of notebooks on this table! And yet she says she still resorts to jotting things on envelopes and napkins… “So when it comes to notebooks, it … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Suz Blackaby
Here’s an addict with a nice assortment of notebooks and fountain pens. Interestingly, the notebooks seem to have quite a variety, but the pens look like they are all variations of the same brand… The photo tags mention Rhodia and Whitelines. I think I also spy Moleskine and Life notebooks. See the original at … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Video Eleven
Some lovely notebook images and thoughts about why we still love paper, and in fact may love paper even more because our lives have gone digital. From the article: “If you find yourself dependent on notebooks, even if much of your work is online, you are part of a growing number of people who are … Continue reading Paper in the Digital World
Just spotted this article: Why Startups Love Moleskines – The New Yorker, which notes that “the popularity of Moleskine notebooks seems to defy the widespread worship of technological innovations coming out of Silicon Valley.” Ok, that is a trend that has been talked about a lot, and I’ll actually read the rest of the article … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Start-Ups Love Them
New York is always a-popping with sample sales. They often take over vacant storefronts, and usually feature clothes– for certain brands, you’ll see lines down the block to get in. To me, it always seems like more mayhem than it’s worth, so I don’t tend to shop at them. But this is one I would … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Sample Sale June 8 & 9, 2015
Spotted in this weekend’s Wall Street Journal, among Chuck Palahniuk’s list of favorite things: “I rely on Moleskine notebooks. I just fell into the habit—they’re so nice looking. I was in Madrid last summer, and found they had them in all these neon colors—wild bright reds and yellows—that I can’t find in Portland [Ore.], … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Chuck Palahniuk Relies on Them… But Burns Them!
I stumbled across this week’s addict in her blog post celebrating National Stationery Day in 2012, where she lists a few of her favorite items, including, of course, notebooks! “Moleskine notebooks, great piles of them: black for Proper Writing, occasionally red for moments of wild frivolity. Sometimes, if a story is going badly, … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Clara