This week’s addict blogs about office supplies at Does This Pen Write?, and based on the photos below, she’s been testing her pens in quite a few notebooks, especially Rhodias. She’s also fond of basic black sketchbooks, Clairefontaine, Ecosystem and others. You can read more about her various notebooks in these posts on her blog.
It’s long overdue that I call attention to this week’s addict, who blogs at Rants of the Archer. Here’s part of her notebook collection: There are 57 notebooks in that photo. But wait, there’s more! Another 55 notebooks are shown below: She mentions that some of the notebooks are being used, but I also spy … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: The Archer→
I hadn’t seen or heard of these Clairefontaine Life.Unplugged notebooks before reading this post: Ink Nouveau: Clairefontaine Life.Unplugged. Notebook Elastic Band Hack. They seem to be nice little cahier-style notebooks– they don’t come with an elastic, but you can add one if you’re handy with a glue gun! See the original post for further steps. … Continue reading Clairefontaine Life.Unplugged. Notebook Elastic Band Hack→
Flickr is such a great source of notebook addicts! Here’s the latest one, and I’d say he/she REALLY has a problem! All of these are as yet unused: I’m pretty sure I see Moleskines, maybe Rhodia and Clairefontaine, and I’m not sure what else. There’s a lot of variety there! The owner seems to be … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Freen707→
Here’s a cool batch of artistically decorated notebooks: And here’s what Laura Jane has to say about them: My notebooks are my babies, my progeny, an extension of myself. They are my phantom arm. If I ever lost a notebook, it would destroy me, but I would never lose a notebook, because I always check. … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Laura Jane→
If you live in London, you might want to join the Stationery Club. Here’s what a self-described Moleskine Fangirl has to say about a meeting she attended, and her own notebook preferences: “Is it a real club?†Yes. A real-life, lots of people in a bar, scaring the non-stationery normals out of the room type … Continue reading A Moleskine Fangirl Introduces Stationery Club→
From Canada’s National Post, a nice appreciation of the pleasures of notebooks, pens and other supplies: Move over Moleskine. Oh, how I longed for that pack of Prismacolor pencils! Yet every year my consolation prize was a plastic pack of Laurentiens and, if I was lucky, a fruit-scented eraser. But the gold-tipped deep red Prismacolor … Continue reading The Pleasures of Back to School Shopping→
I have a few notebooks stashed in my desk drawer. These have traveled with me through 3 job changes, but I’ve only used any of them actively for brief periods. The first one is this 4″ x 5 3/4″ Cahier de Toilex made in Japan by Maruman. It’s not my ideal size, but I love … Continue reading Notebooks in My Office→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…