Category Archives: Clairefontaine

Notebook Addict of the Week: Millie

Millie sent me a link to this photo of her stash of unused notebooks. She points out that 2 didn’t make it into the photo… and I bet her collection of used notebooks would be pretty impressive too!   Full details on what all these notebooks are at Unused notebook collection. Thanks for sharing, Millie!

Notebooks All Around: A Look at (Some of) My Collection

Today I thought I’d just share some photos of various parts of my notebook collection and where they are scattered around my apartment: Below is a corner of my office where I was going through boxes of notebooks and had stashed some used ones that needed to be put away. There are a few months … Continue reading Notebooks All Around: A Look at (Some of) My Collection

Review and Giveaway: Some Rhodia and Clairefontaine Goodies

A few months ago, I met Karen from Exaclair at her BookExpo booth and got a sneak peek at some new items from Rhodia and Clairefontaine. A few weeks later, some lovely samples showed up in my mailbox! Let’s take a look. First off, here’s the new large Webnotebook with dot-grid paper. I love dot-grid … Continue reading Review and Giveaway: Some Rhodia and Clairefontaine Goodies

Questions from Readers

Here’s a few questions that have come in lately– I need help from all you other notebook lovers! From Zack: I really like taking notes when learning. It helps me map out math in my head a lot better than just thinking about it. I’ve been looking for a good large-sized notebook to write in, … Continue reading Questions from Readers

How Chefs Keep Track of Their Recipes

I liked this article: How Professional Chefs Organize Recipes With Digital Devices – Although the article focuses on digital devices, good old paper notebooks make an appearance: Whether it’s a pile of food-splotched printouts or a cluttered digital desktop, many cooking enthusiasts are swimming in recipes, with no good system for storing them. Is … Continue reading How Chefs Keep Track of Their Recipes

Exaclair Booth at BookExpo

I spent the last couple of days at the BookExpo convention at the Javits Center in New York. It’s mostly focused on book publishing, but there are always some cool stationery vendors there. I spent some time in the Exaclair booth, where Karen showed me their new items, some of which I hope to review … Continue reading Exaclair Booth at BookExpo

Notebook Addict of the Year: Carmen (Again)

Remember this Notebook Addict post about Carmen, who sent me a fabulous selection of European notebooks? I named her Notebook Addict of the Year back in April, a noble distinction that must now be reaffirmed based on this photo of her collection: Here’s what Carmen has to say about that gorgeous tower: Here is my … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Year: Carmen (Again)

Notebook Addict of the Week: ALB Creativity

This week’s addict is not just into her own notebooks… She’s also addicted to the journals of others, from Thomas Merton to Frida Kahlo to Kurt Cobain. But as for her own notebooks, here’s what she has to say: What does one write in? There are so many possibilities. I use two sizes of Moleskines … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: ALB Creativity

Questions from Readers

The readers of this blog continue to challenge my notebook wisdom, proving again that I’m more of an enthusiast than an expert. But maybe others will have suggestions, so I share these with all of you: From Bobby: I’m trying to find a notebook that is “normal” sized ~8.5×11 and is cream/light green colored like … Continue reading Questions from Readers

Notebook Addict of the Week: Martin Wilson

This week’s Notebook Addict is writer Martin Wilson, author of What They Always Tell Us. Below are a few that he’s using right now: These include Moleskine, Clairefontaine, and SemiKolon, as well as a new one to me, the “Pearl Pinstripe.” (I guess he must mean these Carolina Pad Pearl Stripe notebooks? He does say … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Martin Wilson