Category Archives: Clairefontaine

Notebook Addict of the Week: FunkyPeanut

I came across a blog post by this week’s addict, who has an explanation for her problem: I blame my mother — and not just because Freud told me to. When I was little, there was a small chain of paper good/office supply stores in our city, and my mother used to take my brother … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: FunkyPeanut

Notebook Addict of the Week: Anke

This week’s addict is from Holland, and sent this picture of her collection, or rather, part of it: “I’ve been a fan of your site for a long time and for an equally long time I’ve been wanting to send you a picture of my own collection. What was holding me back was a sense … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Anke

Things to Come

I have a big to-do list for this blog. Here’s some of the notebooks and things I’ve got waiting in the wings for future coverage, some of which I’ve been meaning to get to for ages: Miquelrius Boarding notebook 0.00 Night and Young Guns Moleskine books Piccadilly Softcover Notebook Assorted Japanese notebooks from Kinokuniya Bookstore … Continue reading Things to Come

New Homes

… for me and my notebooks! I’ve been posting a little less frequently lately because I’ve been very busy preparing for a move to a new home. My notebooks, of course, are all coming with me, and I’ve been trying to organize them better in the process. For years, I’ve stored them all in shoeboxes, … Continue reading New Homes

Notebook Addict of the Week: Danni

This week’s addict is Danni, who goes by @KenouniRenashin on Twitter. She sent me a link to this fantastic post exploring her notebook collection: So. Anyone who knows me will know that I adore stationery, specifically notebooks. I think I have, not including all the ones that I’ve filled up, about 90… Photo Number: 1. … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Danni

Notebook Addict(s) of the Week: The Fountain Pen Network

I came across this thread on the Fountain Pen Network where various notebook addicts ‘fess up. No photos, unfortunately, but the collections described include these: Rocket1: 2 Paperblanks 2 A4 Rhodias – one stapled at the side and one at the top 1 Small Rhodia- I forget which size 1 A6 Rhodia Webbie 1 A5 … Continue reading Notebook Addict(s) of the Week: The Fountain Pen Network

Notebook Addict of the Week: Alex

This week’s addict blogs at Economy Pens, and of course he has to test all those pens on lots of notebooks: The picture above consists of the contents of one of my desk drawers and is probably about 90% of what I have for notebooks. Not shown are my legal pads (mostly Doane or Staples … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Alex

“Mon Vieux Cahier”

I was very pleased to come across this passage in a book I was reading for my French class: Quartier Perdu, by Patrick Modiano. It’s about a man who returns to Paris after an absence of many years and how he revisits the memories he’d left behind there. …j’ai tendu le bras vers la table … Continue reading “Mon Vieux Cahier”

Notebook Addict of the Week: A Penchant for Paper

This week’s addict is Heather at A Penchant for Paper. I really enjoyed her post about her system of using multiple notebooks, including the ones below: “I have multiple notebooks, multiple pens and pencils, and multiple pen cases, all of them equally stuffed full, and I still find myself acquiring more, although not quite as … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: A Penchant for Paper

Questions About How I Use Notebooks

From Kara: Do you have any advice for supreme organizing? And are Moleskines your favorite? Also, how do you keep yourself from just buying and buying new ones without filling up the old ones first? I’m not sure if the organizing question refers to how I keep my notebook collection organized or how I use … Continue reading Questions About How I Use Notebooks