Category Archives: Clairefontaine

Shoebox Tour: A Box of Squared Notebooks

It’s been fun to get all my notebooks out of storage and start trying to organize them better. Opening each box is like visiting old friends! I thought I’d give you a box by box tour of my collection over the next few months– longtime readers will recognize items I’ve reviewed in the past. This … Continue reading Shoebox Tour: A Box of Squared Notebooks

Black Friday! Black Notebooks!

If you are sick of all the Black Friday deal ads, rest your eyes on this! (and then visit my Amazon store! The commissions I earn from your purchases help keep this site going!)

Quo Vadis Life Journal Infinite Review

I’ve always had a soft spot for Quo Vadis products, ever since my college days when I used some of their vinyl-covered diaries to keep track of my classes and assignments. An updated version of the ones I used is still available! But Quo Vadis has kept up with the times and added new products … Continue reading Quo Vadis Life Journal Infinite Review

Notebook Addict of the Week: Katerina

This week’s addict is Katerina Sakkas, an artist and writer from Sydney, Australia. She’s been using Daler Rowney sketchbooks for 20 years, filling them with drawings and ideas: Simple and sturdy with their canvas-textured hard covers and heavy-weight, off-white paper, Daler Rowney’s Ebony journals have served me faithfully for 20 years, as a place to … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Katerina

Reader Question: Where Can I Get a Set of Monthly Journals?

Sarah asks:  I wanted to ask your recommendation on a set of notebooks that I can use to journal my entire year so that I can carry them and write in them around one or two months’ worth at a time.  I don’t like  Moleskine’s thin paper but I am looking for that concept, a … Continue reading Reader Question: Where Can I Get a Set of Monthly Journals?

Moleskine Monday: More Thoughts on New Products

Last week’s post about new Moleskine products for Spring 2019 got me looking back at my various posts over the years with ideas for what I thought Moleskine should be doing. They’ve sort of done a few of them, but here’s my current favorite ideas I think they should try. Moleskine Daily Art Journal Notebook … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: More Thoughts on New Products

Daily To-Do Schedule Using Graph Paper Notebooks

This is an interesting alternative to the Bullet Journal method. Torey Van Dot lays out each day’s tasks divided into categories and then slotted into time blocks on a schedule. As she writes in the linked post, a graph paper notebook made this layout workable. Who knew graph paper could make such a difference? She … Continue reading Daily To-Do Schedule Using Graph Paper Notebooks

Notebook Addict of the Week: Bob

This week’s addict emailed me LOTS of photos of his HUGE stash of notebooks. He has at least 60 filled notebooks and a ton of spares. Check out this inventory: Black and Red med sc 16 Black and Red med bc 1 ARC disc sm 1 ARC disc med leather 16 ARC disc std cover … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Bob

Notebook Addict of the Week: Baron Schwartz

A reader pointed me to Baron Schwartz’s excellent comparison of a lot of different notebook brands he tried while searching for “the Holy Grail of notebooks.” Here’s some of them, along with his handy list of what they are: An Italian leatherette journal by Markings A Semikolon Il Creativo, large A Quo Vadis Habana An … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Baron Schwartz

Phil’s Stationery, NYC

Phil’s Stationery is a gem– assuming you like messy, dusty, old-school office supply stores, that is! I’d never heard of it until a few weeks ago when I happened to meet someone for lunch nearby and saw this amazing sign: There are so few stores like this left in NYC, especially in what must be … Continue reading Phil’s Stationery, NYC