Category Archives: Bindewerk

Help Me Plan My Cross-Country Trip!

This spring, I’m going to be driving from New York to California and back, with lots of stops along the way. I’m hoping that part of my adventure will be finding some cool independent shops that sell notebooks! What are your favorite retailers in the US that I should visit? Arizona and the Bay Area … Continue reading Help Me Plan My Cross-Country Trip!

Size Matters: When A6 Isn’t A6

One of my biggest pet peeves about trying to shop for notebooks online is that sellers sometimes don’t include the size. eBay is the worst– if you’re buying a notebook from a known, clearly identified brand it’s not always a big deal, but sometimes sellers list a notebook without giving you any information or photographic … Continue reading Size Matters: When A6 Isn’t A6

My New Notebook Crush Revealed! (And Reviewed)

Last week, I tried to mystify you all with a teaser about my favorite new notebook. I thought I might have to give some more hints, but someone did guess the brand. As a reminder, here’s the clues I gave: It has a clothbound hard cover, in a light blue color. The corners are rounded. … Continue reading My New Notebook Crush Revealed! (And Reviewed)

Notebooks from Paris and Amsterdam

Here’s the stash of notebooks I brought back from my Amsterdam/Paris trip. First, two little notebooks from a local newsstand/bookstore near where I was staying. They had a nice selection of school supplies, and other notebook brands such as Moleskine, but these two were inexpensive and not like others I’d seen elsewhere. The blue one … Continue reading Notebooks from Paris and Amsterdam