Category Archives: books

Notebook Addict of the Week: Martin Wilson

This week’s Notebook Addict is writer Martin Wilson, author of What They Always Tell Us. Below are a few that he’s using right now: These include Moleskine, Clairefontaine, and SemiKolon, as well as a new one to me, the “Pearl Pinstripe.” (I guess he must mean these Carolina Pad Pearl Stripe notebooks? He does say … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Martin Wilson

David Mitchell’s Notebook

I wasn’t familiar with David Mitchell’s books, but there was an interesting article about him in this past Sunday’s New York Times Magazine: Since the appearance of his debut novel, “Ghostwritten,” in 1999 — a fifth, “The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet,” is being published this week — Mitchell’s writing has been compared with … Continue reading David Mitchell’s Notebook

A Notebook in “Eat, Pray, Love”

A wonderful passage from Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman’s Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia, by Elizabeth Gilbert: I found an empty notebook, opened it up to the first page– and only then did I open my mouth and speak those words into the air, letting them free. I let those words break … Continue reading A Notebook in “Eat, Pray, Love”

Fictional Journals

I stumbled upon a blogger who lists her 6 favorite books that feature journals or are told in journal form. Here’s her top pick: 1. I Capture the Castle/ Dodie Smith A delightful English book, set in the 30’s, telling the story of Cassandra Mortmain and her eccentric family. Begins with the classic line “I … Continue reading Fictional Journals

BooksActually Notebooks

If you happen to be in Singapore, you might want to stop by a store called Books Actually. They have a nicely-curated selection of notebooks, some of which they create themselves, and others from international brands such as Cavallini and Serrote: Read more at BooksActually: wall of notebooks.

Agatha Christie’s Notebooks

Any bookworm has probably read at least one Agatha Christie mystery– I read quite a few when I was a kid. Now there’s a book about how she used notebooks to do her writing: Agatha Christie’s Secret Notebooks: Fifty Years of Mysteries in the Making, by John Curran. Curran stumbled on the notebooks while spending … Continue reading Agatha Christie’s Notebooks

Moleskine Monday: Customized Planner at Library Notebook

Here’s another example of a customized Moleskine, this time from Library Notebook. She’s turned it into an all-in-one notebook, with lists, a calendar, and sections for specific projects. She’s also added some extra envelopes to hold business cards and snazzed the whole thing up with colorful artwork. More info and images at Library Notebook: Another … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Customized Planner at Library Notebook

Henry Miller’s Notebooks

More notebooks from the world of literature, this time from Henry Miller, the author of the sexy and scandalous (at least for their time) Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn. I think I read both books when I was in college, but now I can’t remember a thing about them! But it does look … Continue reading Henry Miller’s Notebooks

Notebook Addict of the Week: D. M. Cornish

This week’s addict is the author and illustrator D. M. Cornish, creator of the Monster-Blood Tattoo series. I’d never heard of these books, but they seem to have gotten some great reviews. I often enjoy fantasy novels for kids, so now I’m tempted to check them out! But what I’d really like to see are … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: D. M. Cornish

Notebooks of William Blake and Leonardo da Vinci

Here’s something very cool from the British Library, which I noticed my friend at posted about recently. On the library’s website, you can look through some wonderful old books, including priceless items like the poet and artist William Blake’s notebook below: See more at Virtual books: images only – The Notebook of William Blake: … Continue reading Notebooks of William Blake and Leonardo da Vinci