Category Archives: books

Tips from Readers

David Bogie shared a couple of great tips: first, this interesting notebook, used to record games of Go. I remember trying to play Go with my dad sometimes when I was a kid, or more frequently, Gomoku, which is much simpler. I certainly never got to the level of having to record my games, but … Continue reading Tips from Readers

Books in Diary or Journal Form

Michaela from Vienna emailed me with an excellent suggestion for a post: a listing of books written in journal form. The example she gave was I Capture the Castle: I’d never read this book, but the description made me want to: I Capture the Castle tells the story of seventeen-year-old Cassandra and her family, who … Continue reading Books in Diary or Journal Form

New York Diaries

I’d heard about this book called New York Diaries: 1609 to 2009 and thought it sounded fabulous: for each day of the year, it gives an excerpt from the diary of a notable New York resident or visitor, including people such as Albert Camus, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Theodore Roosevelt, Keith Haring, Andy Warhol, Mark Twain, … Continue reading New York Diaries

Review: Ex Libris Anonymous Book Cover Journals

I was contacted several months ago by Jacob Deatherage, the owner of Ex Libris Anonymous,  a small company based in Portland, Oregon who make journals by hand using old recycled books. When I agreed to accept a couple of samples for review, I had no idea I’d get this large batch! First of all, I … Continue reading Review: Ex Libris Anonymous Book Cover Journals

In Praise of Notebook and Pen for Creative Writing

I enjoyed this article, which makes some great observations about writing in notebooks vs. on a computer, or even a typewriter: Everything I’ve ever written was composed in notebooks first. I have hundreds of them filled with my scribbles tucked away in boxes. I also buy them obsessively, so I probably have just as many … Continue reading In Praise of Notebook and Pen for Creative Writing

Review: Penguin Notebook

For a few years now, I’ve come across online mentions of these very cool Penguin notebooks, but had never figured out where to buy one in the US. But a few months ago, when I was attending BookExpo America for my day job, I happened to wander through the Penguin booth and stopped when I … Continue reading Review: Penguin Notebook

Moleskine Monday: 61 Ways

Gabriel Campanario is the Seattle Sketcher I featured a few weeks ago in this post. He’s also the founder of Urban Sketchers, and was interviewed for a Japanese book called 61 Ways to Put Your Life into a Moleskine: Yoko Nakamuta, who knows how much some urban sketchers love their Moleskines, invited me to write … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: 61 Ways