Category Archives: books

Moleskine Monday: Photo Albums

Lots of news from Moleskine lately– Evernote partnership, going public on the Milan stock exchange, and now custom printed photo books. It’s a great idea– if you love the look of a Moleskine, you’ll love having a photo album with the same design. A 20-page photo book costs $37.50, which doesn’t seem bad, though I … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Photo Albums

Moleskine Monday: Perfumer Jean-Claude Ellena on His Notebooks

Jean-Claude Ellena, a perfume maker, talks about how he uses a Moleskine notebook: “My tools are test blotters, a pencil, a block of paper and, for a number of years now, a notebook. It was as I approached forty that I started making notes on accords, ideas for perfumes, writing down thoughts, copying out quotations, … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Perfumer Jean-Claude Ellena on His Notebooks

The Discovery of Streptomycin Recorded in Lab Notebooks

The notebook below helped solve a decades-old scientific mystery: who deserved credit for discovering the antibiotic streptomycin? For as long as archivists at Rutgers University could remember, a small cardboard box marked with the letter W in black ink had sat unopened in a dusty corner of the special collections of the Alexander Library. Next … Continue reading The Discovery of Streptomycin Recorded in Lab Notebooks

100 Notes– 100 Thoughts

This looks like a very cool series of books, which reproduce handwritten notes, artists’ books and writings by various artists who are involved with the dOCUMENTA art festival in Germany in June 2012.   Read more at Creative Review – 100 notebooks for dOCUMENTA.

James Joyce’s Notebook

A page from one of James Joyce’s notebooks, which looks like some sort of ledger: From the post at Biblioklept: This page is from a notebook that contains some of Joyce’s preparatory notes for Ulysses—there are notes for characters “Stephen,” “Simon,” “Leopold,” etc. as well as lists “Books,” “Recipes” and general ideas “Theosophy”. This particular … Continue reading James Joyce’s Notebook

“Mon Vieux Cahier”

I was very pleased to come across this passage in a book I was reading for my French class: Quartier Perdu, by Patrick Modiano. It’s about a man who returns to Paris after an absence of many years and how he revisits the memories he’d left behind there. …j’ai tendu le bras vers la table … Continue reading “Mon Vieux Cahier”