Category Archives: books

“They remind me of my heart’s desire…”

From a lovely essay about using notebooks, by Elaine Fletcher Chapman: Most writers I know work from notebooks. I carry mine with me, as Jason Shinder was known to advise, along with a folder of poems I am currently revising. Even on my shorter commutes, I carry the pair. They remind me of my heart’s … Continue reading “They remind me of my heart’s desire…”

Kevin Barry on the Keeping of Notebooks

This is from my latest favorite essay about keeping a notebook, by Irish writer Kevin Barry, author of City of Bohane: Stationery stores are for me places of huge erotic frisson. I traipse grubbily around the aisles in my long coat and when I think nobody is looking, I have a surreptitious little sniff at … Continue reading Kevin Barry on the Keeping of Notebooks

Fifty Shades of Grey Writer’s Journal

Here’s one notebook I don’t think I need to own, a writer’s journal tie-in to the bestselling Fifty Shades of Grey books by E. L. James: “Fifty Shades of Grey: Inner Goddess: A Journal” is to be published May 1 and is a writer’s journal, seeded with quotes and inspiration from James’ trilogy. Some of … Continue reading Fifty Shades of Grey Writer’s Journal

Moleskine Monday: Grand Central Terminal Centennial

A Moleskine book to commemorate the 100th anniversary of NYC’s Grand Central Terminal, which opened on February 2, 1913. The book features winners of a drawing competition sponsored by the Architectural League and the New York Transit Museum, including these: Nicholas Venezia Christine Zavesky   See more at The Architectural League of New York | … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Grand Central Terminal Centennial

Moleskine Monday: The Detour Book

Brain Pickings offers a nice look inside a new book from Moleskine: The Detour Book, which I’m sure I’ll soon add to my ever-growing collection of books about notebooks and sketchbooks!   Read more at Moleskine Detour: Inside the Notebooks of Beloved Creative Icons | Brain Pickings.

Notebooks at BookMarc

BookMarc is the Marc Jacobs bookstore on Bleecker St. in NYC. They have a cool selection of old and new books, and some rather nice notebooks: The notebooks are all lined inside, seem to be of pretty good quality, and say they are made by Chameleon Like, Inc. On the company’s website, they offer a … Continue reading Notebooks at BookMarc

Take Note Conference

A reader named LC tipped me off to this interesting conference happening this coming weekend at Harvard: “Take Note” brings together scholars from literature, history, media studies, information science, and computer science to explore the past and future roles of note-taking across the university. Panelists will discuss the history of note-taking in different disciplines as … Continue reading Take Note Conference

Moleskine Monday: “What Can Moleskine Teach Publishers?”

An interesting and amusing article about a talk by Marco Beghin, President of Moleskine US, full of plenty of slogan-y stuff about “mobility,” “self-identity,” and “collective memory.” I’m not sure it answers its own question about what book publishers might be able to learn from Moleskine: Publishers who hope for their catalogs to become as … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: “What Can Moleskine Teach Publishers?”

Review and Giveaway: Paperback Note

I first discovered Paperback Note via a link at Better Living Through Design. It later turned out I’d made their creator a notebook addict of the week. It makes perfect sense that Herman would be so addicted to notebooks, he had to start a company to make them! Paperback Notes Notebooks are made of old … Continue reading Review and Giveaway: Paperback Note