Category Archives: books

Notebook Addict of the Week: Cynthia Iannaccone

This week’s addict is another find via the excellent Sharing Our Notebooks site. Cynthia is a writer, illustrator and art teacher who has been keeping sketchbooks for years and often looks back at the old ones to find inspiration for new work. Here’s some of her sketchbooks:     Read more about Cynthia and see … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Cynthia Iannaccone

What Famous Authors Write With

There was an interesting feature at Flavorwire on the writing tools of famous authors. Unfortunately, most of the examples just include a photo of the author rather than the writing tools themselves, but here’s a notable exception:   It’s J. K. Rowling‘s plans for writing Harry Potter, on a sheet of looseleaf paper. Wow. See … Continue reading What Famous Authors Write With

1000 Journals Film

Remember the 1000 Journals project? (It was a traveling journal/sketchbook project that started in 2007. It’s still going– according to the website, they now count over 75,000 participating journals, and over 17,000 images uploaded, though the website looks like there have been some spam posts lately, so I”m not sure how actively it’s being maintained.) … Continue reading 1000 Journals Film

David Wojnarowicz’s Journals

I love seeing artist’s notebooks, especially ones like this with notes about how the artist is working out an idea as opposed to just sketches. Below is a journal page by David Wojnarowicz, a controversial artist who died of AIDS in 1992. (If you want to learn more about him and the 1980s East Village … Continue reading David Wojnarowicz’s Journals

Lost Notebook Becomes a Book

This is a cute story:   Earlier this year, Lisa Rao, an editor at Simon & Schuster, saw a segment on Good Morning America moments before she walked into an editorial meeting. “I had my iPad and pulled up the clip and told them, ‘You have to watch this,’ ” Rao recalled about a story … Continue reading Lost Notebook Becomes a Book

Notebook Addict of the Week: Ruth Ayres

This week’s addict was another one found via the wonderful Sharing Our Notebooks site. I just couldn’t resist this photo! Going through my notebooks, I find a driving force in my life is asking questions. It’s a strategy I’ve returned to across time and genre. Check out these notebooks…see the sticky tabs? They mark the … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Ruth Ayres

Moleskine Monday: Custom Books

It’s become quite common for people to customize Moleskines by having a company logo stamped or printed onto the cover. Sometimes there might even be some custom content inside. But it is relatively rare that actual books are published using a Moleskine notebook as the medium. Here are two that I own: The first is … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Custom Books

Notebook Addict of the Week: Stefanie

Aside from notebooks, one of my other great loves is books. So I completely identified with this week’s addict’s linking of the two : Bookish people tend to like books with words already in them as well as books that are blank and waiting to be filled by their own hands. I know I do. … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Stefanie

Facsimile Van Gogh Sketchbooks

Wow, this is amazingly cool: To celebrate the forthcoming Van Gogh at Work exhibition and the 160th anniversary of the great artist’s birth, the Folio Society and the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, are producing the first-ever facsimiles of the artist’s sketchbooks, limited to just 1,000 copies. The four intact sketchbooks, which span much of Van … Continue reading Facsimile Van Gogh Sketchbooks

Sketchbook Pages by Designers and Illustrators

A cool gallery of some great sketchbook pages, from the book Sketchbooks: The Hidden Art of Designers, Illustrators, and Creatives. This one is by Lauren Simkin Berke: And this one’s by Andrea Dezsö: See more at A Look Inside The Sketchbooks Of 10 Terrific Creatives | Co.Design: business + innovation + design.