Austin Kleon is at it again with a new book called Show Your Work!: 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered. And in the spirit of showing his work, he’s got some pictures of a notebook he kept during his book tour: See more at Show Your Work! Tour Notebook.
This week’s addict has a habit of filling Moleskine and Rhodia notebooks. Look at these nice stacks! The Moleskine stack is pretty impressive given that he says he remembers first holding a Moleskine in his hands in January 2012. The Rhodias are from 2003-2006. Emmanuel says he wrote the first book in French about the … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Emmanuel→
More from my inbox: A tip from M: “I have issues with the binding cracking/splitting on my Moleskines. The solution – black duct tape. Check out the photo. Works great and doesn’t look too bad.” Peter shares some sketchbook pages and a tip on transfering art to notebook pages: “Just wanted to give you some … Continue reading Tips from Readers→
The blogger at Filofancy notes that the Flex series by Filofax doesn’t get much blogging coverage. I can’t say I’ve found them inspiring at all when I see them in stores– wrong sizes, blah materials… it just makes me sad to see them in comparison to the wonderful things Filofax was making 15 or 20 … Continue reading Filofancy’s Flex→
A blog post about a book about field notebooks, with lots of interesting observations, including this: “The notebook is like a magical object in a fairytale. It is a lot more than an object, as it inhabits and fills out hallowed ground between meditation and production. Truly, writing is a strange business…” And some images … Continue reading Thoughts on Field Notebooks→
I went to London recently on a business trip and was excited about having an opportunity to spot some notebooks that might not be available in the US… but unfortunately, the trip was a bit of a bust in that respect. I had jotted down the names of some stationery and art supply shops (thank … Continue reading Disappointing Notebook Shopping→
Here’s a pretty amazing imagination at work in the pages of a notebook: For more, check out the book: Guillermo del Toro Cabinet of Curiosities: My Notebooks, Collections, and Other Obsessions Via Scans From Guillermo Del Toro’s Notebook | The Mary Sue.
Remember this lovely little book? Reviewed here: Diana Balmori Notebooks When I posted about it a couple of months ago, I’d never heard of Diana Balmori, and found myself very intrigued by this unusual little book, as it presented the pages of her notebooks almost in facsimile, without any commentary about what the drawings represented … Continue reading Behind the Scenes with Diana Balmori and Her Notebooks→
I spotted this at McNally Jackson Bookstore in NYC and couldn’t resist: a small paperback book/facsimile notebook full of drawings by landscape architect Diana Balmori. From the publisher’s website (which seems to be the only place to buy the book online): “Notebooks is a record of sketches by Diana Balmori FASLA. Reflecting twenty years of … Continue reading Diana Balmori Notebooks→
A relic of the Beat Generation: “The Harry Ransom Center, a humanities research library and museum at The University of Texas at Austin, acquired the archive of American poet Peter Orlovsky (1933–2010), an important figure in the Beat Generation. Orlovsky was fellow poet Allen Ginsberg’s companion for more than 40 years, and his papers reflect … Continue reading Peter Orlovsky’s Notebook→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…