Samantha DiProspero’s Moleskine
Here is a Moleskine sketchbook spread that really grabbed me with its vibrant colors and interesting layout: It is from the website of illustrator Samantha DiProspero, where you can see additional images of her art.
Here is a Moleskine sketchbook spread that really grabbed me with its vibrant colors and interesting layout: It is from the website of illustrator Samantha DiProspero, where you can see additional images of her art.
Fun with notebooks and Photoshop! Have you seen the leaning tower of Marge Simpson’s hair? Italian artist Pietro Cataudella takes his sketchbook everywhere he goes, but his drawings don’t just depict of the places he visits—they become part of the landscape. His ongoing project, titled CityLiveSketch, features architectural 3D drawings that seem to jump from the artist’s journals, depicting famous … Continue reading Pietro Cataudella’s Sketchbooks
As a follow up to last week’s review of the Arteza Sketchbook and Watercolor Book, Arteza has kindly agreed to offer a giveaway! 2 lucky winners will be selected from all eligible entries: On Twitter, tweet something containing “Arteza Sketchbooks @NotebookStories @ArtezaOfficialâ€, and follow @NotebookStories and @artezaofficial On Facebook, “like†the Notebook Stories page and the Arteza page, and post something … Continue reading Giveaway! Arteza Pocket Sketchbooks
I’ve been seeing Arteza art supplies popping up on social media for quite a while and was curious about the brand. When I noticed that they offered a nice chunky looking 3.5 x 5.5″ sketchbook, I was even more intrigued! The company kindly provided me some samples to review, so let’s take a look. Arteza … Continue reading Review: Arteza Sketchbook and Watercolor Book
Whenever I see stories like this, I cringe! As far as I can remember, I’ve only lost one notebook in my life, a rather cool one I was using in 7th grade that was probably stolen rather than lost. I never did find another one like it, and it’s haunted me ever since! So I … Continue reading Artist Loses Sketchbook
I love the luscious colors and texture of these sketchbook pages! New York-based print designer and illustrator Sara Boccaccini Meadows has made it a habit to take her sketchbook everywhere she goes, taking inspiration from her everyday surroundings…. This artist also has a 35-minute online class to help you paint beautiful botanicals. Read more: Artist Shares … Continue reading Sara Boccaccini Meadows’ Sketchbooks
A gorgeous example of a natural historian’s field notes. This belonged to August F. Foerste, an American geologist and paleontologist. From the original article at the Field Book Project website: Field notes are well known to be essential, primary material that provide details about collections and expeditions that aren’t found in published material or specimen … Continue reading August F. Foerste’s Field Notebook
…or perhaps this post’s title should be “Sketching Skulpture,” because my inspiration comes from a blog post at Sketchbook Skool. The sketch below by Jonathan Twingley really caught my eye– such a cool mix of color, texture and light and dark shading with fine cross-hatching. It was done on location at MoMA, as part of … Continue reading Sketching Sculpture
I don’t remember where I first came across the work of André Mare. He was a French artist who was associated with the Cubism and Art Deco movements, and his World War I sketchbooks are quite remarkable. No discussion about Cubism can be complete without at least some mention of André Mare. Yet even in conversations … Continue reading André Mare’s Sketchbooks
This book looks really cool: The Sea Journal: Seafarers’ Sketchbooks From the description: In this remarkable gathering of private journals, log books, letters and diaries, we follow the voyages of intrepid sailors, from the frozen polar wastes to South Seas paradise islands, as they set down their immediate impressions of all they saw. They capture … Continue reading Seafarers’ Sketchbooks