You’d have to be living under a rock not to have heard the news that celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz is broke. But here’s a new detail: she spent a lot of money on expensive notebooks! When [Leibovitz’s daughter] Sarah started eating solid food, a rigorous journaling policy was instituted, in which every bite and bowel … Continue reading Annie Leibovitz’s Financial Meltdown: Notebooks Partially to Blame→
A couple months ago I posted about the artist David Fullarton and wondered where I could get a notebook like the one he used for his work. Well, it turns out I had only to look in my own collection! The unusual gridded pages appearing in Fullarton’s artwork come from an engineer’s field book like … Continue reading Engineer’s Field Notebook, late 1980s→
This week’s notebook addict is Strikethru. For reasons I don’t understand, some of my notebooks are at least half used, while others have only a sullied page or two, and still others are completely blank. When I look back over my skritchings, one thing is clear– since college, I have rarely used a notebook for … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Strikethru→
The blogger at Dig Under Rocks recently attended the Renegade Craft Fair in Los Angeles. She found a few vendors of interesting paper products including these notebooks: Next I came upon a shop, Tyler Bender Book Co., with a really unique and interesting idea.. Vintage and recycled notebooks. Covers were made from old t-shirts, cereal … Continue reading Renegade Craft Fair Finds→
So often, I’ll see a really cool image pop up in the Moleskine Flickr pool, and it will turn out to be by Kathrin Jebsen-Marwedel. See her photostream here. She fills each page of a daily Moleskine planner with the most wonderful sketches, and the result is an extraordinary visual journal.
Here’s something that must have slipped past me– Moleskine has added to their line of red cover notebooks. You can now get the heavier paper Sketchbook in both the pocket and large size with a red cover. Great news for artists who were tired of basic black!
Introducing my first (rather amateurish!) notebook video– this is a look at the notebook I just finished using. I’ll try to post more notebook videos in the future, and if any readers want to submit links to their own YouTube videos of notebooks, I’ll share those too.
Here’s the latest Notebook Addict of the Week, found on Flickr: They are filled with drawings and collage in a very raw style, by Kier Cooke Sandvik of Norway, whose profile reads as follows: transsexual, atheistic anarchist. I’m Other. See all the Flickr images here, (though I’m not sure the original set is still on … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: A Norwegian Artist→
I don’t know if this qualifies as an “Addict of the Week” post, but here’s some thoughts on notebook use from Surviving in Argentina: The one with the wire coil is my old notebook, the one I used last year and was mostly dedicated to help with my book. I carried it around all day … Continue reading Notebooks of an Argentine Survivor→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…