I love this image of a dozen colorful spreads in Moleskine sketchbooks! As the artist notes, “I know, Moleskine is the new Starbucks for artists. Everyone has one and it is the latest thing..” Yet he still loves them, as do so many of us! Read more at Art and Life: Moleskine.
I love the idea of keeping a journal of just images. I sometimes paste clippings and images into my notebooks, but I don’t do it as often as I should. The link where I found the quote below has inspired me to give it another shot: …when you glue a picture, or a swatch of … Continue reading Keeping an Image Journal→
Here’s a cool batch of artistically decorated notebooks: And here’s what Laura Jane has to say about them: My notebooks are my babies, my progeny, an extension of myself. They are my phantom arm. If I ever lost a notebook, it would destroy me, but I would never lose a notebook, because I always check. … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Laura Jane→
This week’s addict is a designer who wishes he could find one notebook that met all his needs: One important characteristic I require is that the pages have to withstand watercolour paints, as this is the most common medium used when adding detail and colour to my sketches. The Windsor and Newton sketchpad does this … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Rusty Rocket→
Welcome to our 9th Carnival of Pen, Pencil, and Paper, collecting the past month’s highlights from blogs about pens, notebooks, office supplies and art supplies. The iPad may be getting all the hype this week, but we’re here to celebrate pads made of paper, ink that is not e-ink, and pages that turn in actual … Continue reading Carnival of Pen, Pencil and Paper, 9th Edition→
One of my favorite things is finding little-seen images from the notebooks of artists, writers and scientists. This one is a gem, as Edward Hopper is one of my favorite painters, yet I don’t recall ever having looked at any of the sketches for his works. I love how it seems to have been drawn … Continue reading Edward Hopper’s Sketchbook→
Here’s another simultaneous multi-notebook user, though I didn’t think she was quite at the level of being an addict. Wendy is a jewelry and metal artist, and here’s what she had to say about her notebooks: “Why so many?†you ask. Each notebook was bought for a specific purpose, either a class, for use as … Continue reading “Notebooks, Notebooks Everywhere!”→
Here’s an interesting concept– using a separate notebook for every project you work on. Depending on how you work and what kind of notebooks you like, it could be unwieldy or impractical, but in this case, we seem to be talking about graphic design projects in small Moleskine cahiers or Volants, and the user says … Continue reading One Notebook Per Project→
More notebooks from the world of literature, this time from Henry Miller, the author of the sexy and scandalous (at least for their time) Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn. I think I read both books when I was in college, but now I can’t remember a thing about them! But it does look … Continue reading Henry Miller’s Notebooks→
Here’s a Moleskine-ish notebook with a bold, graphic look, sold by a company that seems to mainly focus on clothes for skateboarders (or people who want to look like skateboarders). Supreme must be a super-trendy brand, as a Japanese retailer sells these notebooks for almost $40 each! Unlike most notebooks, these have an embossed brand … Continue reading Supreme Notebooks→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…