I’m a fan of Seattle Sketcher Gabi Campanario, the founder of Urban Sketchers, so it was particularly fun to see what he carries with him on his daily sketching excursions! Read more at: Here’s what Seattle Sketcher carries in his sketching bag
This week’s addict is an “urban sketcher, strongwoman, artist, fountain pen collector and maker.” She shared an intriguing photo of her notebook/sketchbook collection on Twitter: Not sure what all the brands are, but definitely Leuchtturm and Stillman & Birn. Maybe also Rhodia, Miquelrius and Moleskine? Also check out her review of the SketchWallet on her … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: SunamiSue→
Grace Coddington is well known in the fashion world as an editor, former model, and author. Now she’s also a spokesperson for Smythson. Most of the linked article is promoting their various leather bags and accessories, but I loved getting a glimpse of this well-worn address book! I bought a Smythson address book a long … Continue reading Grace Coddington’s Smythson Notebooks→
Absolutely stunning notebook art, by Nuria Mora, a Spanish artist based in Madrid. It looks like it was made with a Moleskine Japanese Album. See more at: BLACKBOOK | Nuria Mora Save
An excellent article at LitHub by Bradford Morrow, author of the just-published Prague Sonata, among other books. Really interesting look at a writer’s process and why he prefers physical note-taking to digital methods. Big thanks to reader Raymond for sending me the tip! “My memory is good, but capricious at times. My scraps of paper … Continue reading Bradford Morrow’s Boorum & Pease Ledger→
I came across some wonderful sketchbook images, plus an interview with Anne Davies, the artist who created them, at the website of Sue Bulmer, a UK artist. How do you feel about the prospect of starting a new sketchbook? I love it, maybe that’s why I have so many on the go at once! I’m … Continue reading Sue Bulmer Interviews Anne Davies About Her Sketchbooks→
The notebook image below is from an interested blog post from the V&A Museum in London. It’s an example of a pattern book: “They are reference guides for production. Maybe they show things made by the company in the past, maybe images by competitors, maybe historic objects – all intended to aid in further design. … Continue reading A Pattern Book from the V&A Museum→
I was trying to find online images of Van Gogh’s small sketchbooks (the supposed “moleskines”) when I found the images below. The notebook pictured did not belong to Van Gogh, but was rather a sort of logbook kept at a cafe in Arles that Van Gogh visited. The notebook has been cited as evidence for … Continue reading A Notebook with a Link to Van Gogh?→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…