All posts by Nifty Notebook

Vintage Looseleaf Notebook Made by Wilson Jones

This looseleaf notebook was a recent eBay purchase. I bought it because it was a pocket size looseleaf from the 1950s, described as being 3×5″, and the brand name was unfamiliar. That was interesting enough to me, and the notebook wasn’t expensive, so I thought it would be nice to have it in my collection … Continue reading Vintage Looseleaf Notebook Made by Wilson Jones

Marlon Brando’s Notebook

You’d think a headline like “Marlon Brando’s Little Black Book” would have caught my eye, but I missed this article on Slate when it was published in 2013. Marlon Brando dropped this battered address book on the stage of New York’s Barrymore Theatre while appearing in A Streetcar Named Desire in 1949. The loss of … Continue reading Marlon Brando’s Notebook

Rick Barton’s Sketchbooks

An interesting piece in the New York Times: Unearthing Rick Barton, a Boho Bard of North Beach, about a Beat-era artist whose work is now on view at the Morgan Library in NYC. Rick Barton was a somewhat obscure artist who lived in San Francisco in the late 1950s and early 1960s, often sketching in … Continue reading Rick Barton’s Sketchbooks

Nolty 2023 Diaries Now Available

It’s that exciting season again, when next year’s planners are announced by Nolty. This year there are a few changes to their product line-up– a couple of discontinued versions of the diaries, and some new formats. Fans of B6 size planners will find some new products. There are also some new notebook/diary options where you … Continue reading Nolty 2023 Diaries Now Available

Notebook Addict of the Week: Warren Ellis

This week’s addict is a writer of graphic novels and creator of the Netflix series Castlevania, among other creative ventures. On his website, he talks about his shift away from digital tools to capturing all this thoughts in notebooks like these: I almost exclusively think on paper these days. The first page of each notebook … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Warren Ellis

Talens Art Creation Sketchbook Review

I’m continuing to make my way through my backlog of notebooks to review! I ordered this Talens Art Creation Sketchbook from Blick in January 2021 after seeing a few mentions of them online. The prices at Blick start at $7.25 for this pocket sized sketchbook, less than half what many competing brands are charging these … Continue reading Talens Art Creation Sketchbook Review

Herisa Notebook Review

I can’t believe I bought this Herisa notebook on Amazon in July 2020 and am only now getting around to reviewing it! Such is life these days… but let’s take a long overdue look at this notebook. I would guess that the Herisa notebook is kind of a generic item, perhaps marketed under a variety … Continue reading Herisa Notebook Review

Michael Lindsay-Hogg’s Diaries

I spotted the image below in a recent New York Times article about Michael Lindsay-Hogg, the filmmaker who directed the Beatles documentary “Let It Be.” The diaries described as follows in the article: He has preserved much of what he went through with the Beatles in diaries, which he has kept since the “Ready Steady … Continue reading Michael Lindsay-Hogg’s Diaries

Jimbo Blachly’s Notebooks

I happened to notice an Instagram post from Printed Matter about a facsimile book of artist Jimbo Blachly’s notebooks. (Available on the Printed Matter website.) The activity of drawing is primary to Jimbo Blachly’s work. In addition to individual drawings and watercolors, he has kept daily notebooks and sketchbooks which make up a large visual … Continue reading Jimbo Blachly’s Notebooks

Truffaut’s Notebooks

I took screenshots of these wonderful notebook images about a month ago. I think they are from a book about the French film director François Truffaut, but I somehow managed to lose track of the link back to the page where I found the images. If anyone recognizes the pages, please let me know so … Continue reading Truffaut’s Notebooks