If you’ve wanted to try a Nolty Gold planner but haven’t wanted to deal with shipping from Japan and high prices, now might be your moment! I just spotted a listing on Amazon.com for the model 3121 that I use, the 95 x 145mm size, with a gorgeous leather cover. The price I am seeing … Continue reading 2024 Nolty Gold Planner, Low Price and Free Shipping!→
I had never seen the movie Elf. The 20th anniversary re-release has had people talking about it, and several people I know said it was their favorite Christmas movie, so I decided to watch it. It was pretty cute, but of course my favorite part was the appearance of a notebook! The notebook belongs to … Continue reading A Notebook in the Movie Elf!→
I first heard about the Daler Rowney Pocket Sketchbook on an art supply website somewhere– unfortunately I’ve lost the link, but it was a glowing review that got me very intrigued, especially since it was said to be available at a very low price from Walmart. It took me a few tries to find a … Continue reading Notebook Review: Daler Rowney Pocket Sketchbook→
In all the years I’ve been blogging, I don’t think I’ve ever reviewed a Fabriano notebook. This seems like a strange omission, as I am pretty sure I’ve bought Fabriano notebooks before, but as far as I can tell, the only one currently in my possession is this Ecoqua Plus softcover notebook, purchased quite recently. … Continue reading Notebook Review: Fabriano Ecoqua Plus Softcover→
I recently received a selection of goodies from Origin One, a company based in India. Founded in 2015, Origin One describes themselves as “a collection of everyday stationery, handmade rugs, and elevated basics made for the design loving global nomad.” Their website very attractively presents a wide variety of notebooks, planners, stickers, stamps and other … Continue reading Origin One Notebook Review→
In Fall 2021, I threw a extra notebook into my Nolty planner order, just for the heck of it. Then I let it sit around for almost 2 years without reviewing it! Let’s get this situation rectified tout suite. (Or ไปใใ , imasugu, as may be more appropriate.) This Nolty Notebook is model # NTBNT3201. … Continue reading Nolty Landscape Format Notebook→
Here’s another trip down memory lane with a Filofax from my collection of refillable notebooks. This Filofax must have been bought before the two Pocket Chelsea models I wrote about recently. At first, I thought it might be more recent, because it is in such good condition, but it only has 4 rings, a configuration … Continue reading No-Name Pocket Filofax, 1990s→
In my last post, I shared a photo of the notebooks I had with me on my end-of-summer vacation. Commenter Vic, from Portugal, noted that for a “short vacation,” 8 notebooks was maybe kind of a lot, especially since I was in a place where I could (and did) easily buy more notebooks. Guilty as … Continue reading Notebooks I Brought on Vacation→
Whoops, I forgot to celebrate the 15th anniversary of this blog yesterday! 9/12/2008 was my first post. 15 years and 2,373 posts later, I’m still here, still posting (if not as frequently), still buying notebooks (maybe a little less frequently), and still writing in lots of notebooks (even more frequently). And I love that people … Continue reading 15 Years of Notebook Stories→
The Virtuo Journal is something I bought on eBay as part of a lot with other notebooks I actually wanted. I was curious about it anyway, because it was a brand I’d never seen before. Evidently Virtuo is a proprietary brand sold at OfficeMax… or I guess I should say “was,” as I can’t find … Continue reading Notebook Review: Virtuo Journal→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…