Another Notebook Addict
This person has 15 notebooks going! Wow! See the Flickr page for a description of how each one is used, including one for pasting in photographs, a “private diary,” a “public journal,” and a “daily planner/food journal”.
This person has 15 notebooks going! Wow! See the Flickr page for a description of how each one is used, including one for pasting in photographs, a “private diary,” a “public journal,” and a “daily planner/food journal”.
If you think you’re bad, check out this post. I counted 8 notebooks currently in active use, and she says these are just the ones she uses frequently!
I love the look of this notebook– it’s well-loved, broken in, and each page is so thickly covered with that tiny handwriting in the colorful inks. Just gorgeous. See more at Flickr.
I was happy to find this post, where the author talks about owning lots of journals and wanting to be better about filling them: Do any of you have any suggestions for how I can really get on track with writing/drawing at least a little bit every single day? But best of all, she linked … Continue reading How to Keep a Colorful Daily Journal
The Pen Addict asks “What qualities make up the perfect notebook for you?” Join the discussion here. But beware– notebook addicts can easily become pen addicts too while browsing this site! (and please note that the Pen Addict just moved to
Here’s some nice colorful notebooks from a UK website called “Papergrain: The Stationery Boutique.” Unfortunately, I think they’d get pretty pricey with the exchange rate and shipping from the UK…
I wish this news flash came with a photo! October 15, 2008 – 5:16 PM Picassos found at Zurich airport A sketchbook containing 14 original Picasso drawings has been found in a spot check by customs officers at Zurich airport. The Federal Culture Office said on Wednesday that the total market value of the sketches, … Continue reading Picasso Sketchbook Found: Was it a “Moleskine?”
Ooh, I want one! There are various book titles available. [via Retro to Go] You can buy them from Colloco, but be warned if you are a fan of the pocket Moleskine shape– the website says the notebooks measure 16.6 x 9cm, which would make them taller than they appear in this photo.
I’m a writer by trade; so I tend to horde notebooks. And yet tonight to my chagrin I found that I didn’t have a single empty one to use for class in the morning. [link] I found this funny– I think I can safely say I have never found myself in this situation! Running out … Continue reading A Rare Problem
I stopped by a Borders store in Southbury, Connecticut this weekend, and look what I saw: Barnes & Noble isn’t the only chain bookstore offering some exclusive Moleskine items– Borders offers this “brick,” a lined notebook bundled with 2 cahiers: This display of journals was quite attractive. I tend to use mainly plain black journals, … Continue reading Weekend Shopping