All posts by Nifty Notebook

Notebook Discontents and Regrets

I probably don’t need to tell you this, but I LOVE notebooks. I am always attracted to all sorts of notebooks. I can’t pass an office supply store without taking a look, even if I’m pretty sure the selection won’t be that interesting. Even the back to school pallets of cheap-o spiral notebooks at Staples … Continue reading Notebook Discontents and Regrets

Notebooks I’m Using Now: February 2021

Here’s the latest update on my daily carry notebooks, or at least frequently used notebooks. The COVID-19 pandemic means I’m not necessarily going somewhere everyday, other than for a walk around my neighborhood, so I’m not actually “carrying” my notebooks much. My most frequently used notebooks are: The 2021 Nolty Efficiency Notebook Gold, where I … Continue reading Notebooks I’m Using Now: February 2021

World War I Notebook

This World War I notebook found on eBay is a recent addition to my collection of vintage notebooks. I was intrigued by this notebook because I’d never seen one quite like it, and there is no manufacturer’s name or symbol anywhere on it. Unlike the other World War 1 soldier’s diary in my collection, it’s … Continue reading World War I Notebook

Rashid Johnson’s Sketchbook

The MoMA website has an interesting feature on Rashid Johnson’s sketchbook practice. In a conversation with Samantha Friedman, the organizer of MoMA’s exhibition “Degree Zero: Drawing at Midcentury,” Johson talks about how he uses sketchbooks, some of the motifs in his drawings, and how the pandemic inspired him to think back to how he’d used … Continue reading Rashid Johnson’s Sketchbook

Viviva Colorsheets Review

I don’t usually do art supply reviews here, but when the folks at Viviva Colors contacted me to offer a sample of their Colorsheets watercolor set, I couldn’t resist. Viviva Colorsheets are a slim, portable, pocket notebook sized booklet of watercolor paints: right up my alley! At least in theory… First off, the packaging is … Continue reading Viviva Colorsheets Review

Secret Notebooks from 1983

What if someone found your secret notebooks from childhood, almost 40 years after you’d last written in them? It could happen: a 9 year old girl hid these notebooks in a crawl space in her home in 1983. They were forgotten and her family moved away. Decades later, contractors working on the home gave them … Continue reading Secret Notebooks from 1983

A Korean Notebook Review

It seems strange to be writing a review of this Korean notebook now, as it represents a pre-COVID milestone for me. It was a gift from a friend who lives in South Korea. She came back to the US for a visit in February, and we talked about the shutdowns that were already happening in … Continue reading A Korean Notebook Review

Christmas Books

Before the holidays, I was talking about my wishlist of a few notebook/sketchbook/art supply items. Santa came through! I expected to receive James McElhinney’s Sketchbook Traveler book, and I wasn’t disappointed. McElhinney’s pocket size sketches are reproduced life-size, each accompanied with text about the location depicted. Additional material in the book gives some lessons about … Continue reading Christmas Books

The December 2020 Conjunction

Saturn and Jupiter aren’t the only things intersecting in unusual ways this year. For me, I’m having a notebook conjunction, where my 4 daily use notebooks are all ending almost at the same time! First off, two of them are 2020 Nolty planners, so it’s not unexpected that I’d finish using both of those at … Continue reading The December 2020 Conjunction