I had a question from a commenter about where to buy Nolty planners, and I realized it was probably time to recap this topic, since some of my older posts aren’t up to date on the latest options.
In recent news, I noticed that Jet Pens is now stocking some Nolty planners! This is exciting, but at least for now, they are just offering a limited selection of planners that start in April, in line with the Japanese school year. I’m hoping this means that they’ll stock even more items this coming fall for the 2025 calendar year. They have a nice post with general information about Nolty here.

Kinokuniya is another good place to buy Nolty planners. They stock various Nolty and Pagem planners in their stores, and on their website, if you search under “Japanese books” using the word Nolty and a model number or year, you’ll find a wide range of models, including the leather covered Nolty Gold. These are a special order from Japan, but if you live near a store, you can do store pick-up and not pay for shipping. Shipping is also free if you order over $50 of merchandise. And that isn’t hard to do if you are getting a Nolty Gold! Their price tends to be very high, but if you are getting free shipping for just one or two items, it may be the best option.

If you are ordering multiple Nolty planners, or more expensive items like the Nolty Gold, Nolty’s own online store might be the best option. It helps a lot to have the Google Translate plug-in on your browser if you don’t speak Japanese! Searching can sometimes be tricky but if you know the model number you are looking for, just pop it into the search bar they have towards the bottom of the home page linked above. They have a World Shopping plug-in that makes international orders very easy, as it automatically consolidates items into a shopping cart. World Shopping is a 3rd party forwarder who basically buys the items for you and then charges you for shipping them to your destination. Make sure the items you want are all in stock and read the terms and conditions carefully to make sure it’s right for you. I have found that for a large enough purchase, the cost can be lower than going through Kinokuniya.

Finally, keep an eye on Amazon.com. I’ve seen the Nolty Gold listed there for a very attractive price. I haven’t ordered this way and my only hesitation is that Amazon is notorious for selling counterfeit items. If the price seems too good to be true, I sometimes wonder if the item is authentic. But sometimes low prices can be a quirk of their algorithms and you might get lucky.

Nolty planners can also turn up on eBay, Etsy, and other sites. Start searching early in the fall so you can compare prices and shipping costs and make the best choice on where to buy Nolty for your individual situation!
I have also used amazon.co.jp to order my Nolty planners. This option has quite expensive shipping (I live in Europe, so all options for ordering Noltys are expensive for me unfortunately!), but I have found that it’s the fastest option for those who want to order straight from Japan. I have literally always received my Amazon Japan order within the week. And they have a bunch of other Japanese stationery items that I usually add in my cart to justify the shipping costs as well… or so I tell myself.