I happened to notice an Instagram post from Printed Matter about a facsimile book of artist Jimbo Blachly’s notebooks. (Available on the Printed Matter website.)

The activity of drawing is primary to Jimbo Blachly’s work. In addition to individual drawings and watercolors, he has kept daily notebooks and sketchbooks which make up a large visual diary going back decades. Blachly states: “The responsiveness of line and mark making to the fluidity of thought. The economy of means-ink and reed pen or pencil and the compact portability of small notebooks means I am almost never without the ability to draw or make a quick notation in my day-to-day life. Drawing for me is a mirror, reflecting the relationship between the perceiving mind, the hand and the myriad phenomena be it oak leaves, mosquitoes, memories or burning forests ”
–Jimbo Blachly statement, jimboblachly.com
Blachly has been keeping 3.5 x 5.5″ notebooks for years, according to his website. I was sorry to see that the facsimile book is slightly larger, so not really a true facsimile. I still might have to buy a copy. I like the look of the drawings– interesting colors, abstract but sort of based on cityscapes and landscapes.
I’d love to see some of Jimbo Blachly’s notebooks in person. Unfortunately it looks like he cut up some of the sketchbooks to exhibit the drawings and sell them separately. I guess an artist has to do what he’s gotta do, but that always makes me sad!