I found this week’s addict via a link at The Cramped, and there’s just so much to love!
First, 96 notebooks all in a row! I am always impressed by this level of commitment to a single notebook type/brand.

Then there’s the red dots on the spines so you can see at a glance how many notebooks were used per year– great trick!
There are additional photos showing how the notebooks are stored and used. They’re even labeled using a vintage typewriter!
The post goes into a lot of detail about Dave’s system of life-logging and note-taking, talking about pens and pencils, as well as paper vs. digital note-taking and archiving. I could never attempt his level of detailed logging, let alone the way he transcribes things to an indexed, searchable digital archive, but I did find myself feeling inspired by his one-notebook capture system. There are some similarities to a minimalist bullet journaling structure, and it just seems so simple. Dave also has this very wise thought about journaling:
I think the journaling habit is more of an enabler of other activities than an actual end goal of its own. It can boost and support everything else you want to do.
Writing down good ideas boosts the generation of good ideas. Writing down goals and todos clears those from the mind so you don’t have to worry about them (for a while).
I need to remind myself of this more often– to focus less on filling notebooks just for the fun of using notebooks, and focus more on what goals my notebooks are being used to support.
Read more at Ratfactor.com/notes.
I was fascinated by his detailed process, too!