It’s that time of year again… but I’m a little less excited this year about the new diaries from Nolty. Or perhaps I should say I’m less excited about trying to figure out what the Nolty 2022 diaries are! I’ve tried to find the page on their website that I used to use to figure out all the new products, but they seem to have redesigned it. It is now harder to search by particular characteristics, though they still have some filters for types of layouts and general size ranges. This page is the best I could find, with links by size range that then take you to the JMAM online shop.

One piece of news that I did notice is that model 1225 is being discontinued after 2022. This is the Efficiency Notebook with the months across 2 pages in square boxes by week instead of the Gantt chart layout.
There are some new Nolty 2022 designs, but nothing in the size that I prefer, as far as I could tell. They haven’t brought back the Daily Book, alas. I couldn’t see if they were introducing any new colors for the Nolty Notebooks, but since I found that I didn’t really enjoy using mine, it’s no big loss as far as I’m concerned, though I would still love it if they introduced a “Gold” notebook with a leather cover and squared pages. They do have some new notebooks of other types— the layouts are interesting, but they only come in A5 or B6 sizes.
I could not find any ordering information for US customers. I ended up just going to the Kinokuniya website, searched for Nolty 2022, and ordered my usual leather bound Nolty Gold planner, and a model 1221, which is the regular Efficiency Notebook with Japan railway maps. (It seems silly to pay a couple dollars more for railway maps I can’t read and will never use, but I like to look at them, for some reason.) This is my most minimal Nolty order in a while.
2022 will be my 5th year of using Nolty planners. The Efficiency Notebook is pretty much the perfect planner layout for me, and I love the attention to detail and high quality materials they use in the Gold version. Kinokuniya’s price is $78.99 this year, so it is a big splurge, but it is so practical and pleasurable to use, it’s worth it to me.
Was just on the nolty website and it looks like they have the daily logbook but as an undated version? It’s got the N on the front like they do on the smaller memo notebooks but the format looks the same as the dailylog book you showed before.
Yes, I found out about them just before the holidays. I will be posting a review shortly!
Damn, I really wanted a 1225 for 2023! I like the GANNT for weeklies but I have to have box for monthly…