A post by Stuart at Nero’s Notes got me thinking about notebook routines. Not just which notebooks are used, but habits of how and when you use them.
Stuart talks about his daily journaling routine: each morning, he gets up early, meditates, then writes in his Hobonichi Techo. I love the idea of this kind of structure– a page a day diary, that you write in every day, at the same time. But I never do this myself! (Even when I used my beloved Nolty Daily Book, I had a hard time keeping to a routine of how to use it.)
I have at least 3 daily-carry notebooks going at all times. Most days, I do write in each of them, but without any particular habits as to time or place. Sometimes I’ll write in my journal (most often a squared Moleskine, or plain or dotted Bindewerk linen journal) a bit in the morning, but it hasn’t been that often–I’m trying to make this more of a habit. On days when I’m working, I might take a short break and write a bit, but not that often. The evenings or before bed are probably the time when I do most of my journaling.
Then there’s my Nolty planner. I’ll jot things throughout the day, whenever I think to do it, which can be at any time. I record what I’ve eaten and what exercise I’ve done, and keep to-do lists and grocery lists in this planner. I also note books to read, movies to watch, music to check out. And I use the Gantt chart to track various habits, like whether I’ve exercised each day, taken a vitamin, called my mother, etc. I often pick up this notebook right before bedtime to make sure I complete my log of that day.
My sketchbook goes through phases where I’m good about drawing every day, and then sometimes I’ll let it go for a while. Drawing is another thing that doesn’t necessarily happen at a certain time, but it’s most often in the evening hours after work, or on weekend afternoons. I almost always have a Moleskine sketchbook going, as well as a watercolor sketchbook for the occasional painting.

Now that I work from home, I’ve formed some new habits, such as taking a walk every morning before breakfast and then again at lunchtime. Maybe as the weather gets warmer, I’ll allow myself to stop in a peaceful spot somewhere on my walk and do a little writing or sketching, to see if I could combine those two habits.
How about you, readers? What are your daily notebook routines or habits?
I have two notebooks I’m using right now. My decomposition notebook for every day thoughts, and a guided happy planner.
I’m a one-book kinda girl. Right now it’s a Hobonichi Plain A6 notebook (grid) in my homemade/handstitched leather traveler’s style cover. Every morning I write a decorative header with the date, 3-4 todo’s under it, then headers for walks and workouts along with headers for breakfast, lunch, and dinner that I can fill out as the day goes on. I’ll also add little tidbits of notable happenings along with doodles.
I just finished my series of drawing my hand every day since the pandemic began until I got vaccinated (407 days). I did that every morning right after breakfast, and although I am glad that the series is over, I enjoyed the regular daily routine. So now I am going to try to draw something from my imagination every morning instead. We’ll see if that sticks. Otherwise, I also keep what I call my “scribble journal” a page a day in the evening in an A5 Leuchtturm. It’s mostly a log of things I did that day, plus a few crude comic-like sketches for some of the events. The morning and evening routine is a nice balance and doesn’t take too much time.
I also have three. A Travelogue A5 sketchbook where I do at least one spread a day. A B6 Stalogy for miscellaneous stuff- notes, quotes, brain dumps, and doodles. And a 5-year diary from Unbound that I write in every night before bed.
I have recently been enjoying a group of Traveller’s notebooks (including other makers following the same shape and size) slotted into a 2-book cover from Franklin Cristoph which I swap the books in and out from. It’s been a great format for doing sketches, writing and art media exploration, especially the one with a mixture of paper types (branded as “papermore” and sold on eBay). I do feel an urge now to expand back out to larger page sizes, but the narrow format has been quite handy for carrying around with me everywhere, which allows me to write and draw at any time during the day (e.g. during boring meetings!)
I never really thought about my notebook specific routines, but I do try to write in my daily journal during breakfast, and then my planner and pocket notebooks get used during work mostly, thought I try to take them out after work to try to still be productive after work too. I like your habit of taking a look at your planner before bed to make sure it’s all crossed off; I need to start incorporating notebooks in my nightly routine too!
I recently changed my routine because I just got a new job after being out of work for 2 months and spoiling my family by doing everything around the house during that time. (ha, ha) To keep that going, I started getting up ridiculously early (4am). That’s when I read my Bible and pray (and write notes about what I read). Then I’ll exercise before everyone gets up. At work I keep notes about what all I do during the day in a Franklin Planner.
I like your idea about reviewing your notebook at the end of the day to make sure everything is done. I’m not too consistent with that practice, but I try……. sometimes. :)