Over the last couple of years, I haven’t had a full time job. But when I did have one, my life was full of meetings where I took notes in notebooks, calls during which I doodled in notebooks, and responsibilities that forced me to write long to-do lists in notebooks. I tended to use larger format notebooks such as a Grandluxe A4 notebook/folder that I loved, a large Doane Paper idea journal that was also a favorite, and an Appointed notebook that was very pleasing even though I would have preferred it to have full size 8.5 x 11″ paper.

When I left my last job, I mostly stopped using this kind of larger notebook. I even — gasp– threw away the Grandluxe and Doane Paper notebooks when I cleaned out my desk. I kept the Appointed one, since I had only used about half of it. It is still around and has come in handy from time to time. I used it most recently to jot some notes in preparation for a job interview. I guess it worked well, because I got the job and I’m now going to be working full time from home.
Having a “real” job again will force me to change my organizational habits. I currently keep a running to-do list in my Nolty planner, which I supplement with other short term task lists in my general purpose notebook/journal, currently a Bindewerk linen cover dot grid notebook. This routine works fine for personal tasks and notes, but there isn’t much room to spare in these pocket size notebooks.
It’s too soon to know exactly how things will play out in terms of what kinds of notes I’ll need to take and how I’ll need to structure my workflow, but I’m sure I’ll need to dedicate a notebook to this new job. If I’m on a phone call, I’ll need a larger lay-flat notebook to scribble notes more easily. Since I’ll be working from home, I’ll be in front of my computer the whole time, so I could potentially try to take notes by typing. But that is more screen time and more typing time– I think I’ll stick to my old method of jotting things by hand. At my old job I got a lot of letter size meeting handouts, and liked to be able to tuck them into my notebook. Working remotely will mean meetings are paperless, so I don’t think I’ll need to worry about that. Since my desk at home isn’t huge, a smaller notebook might make sense, as long as it lies flat. Something with a cover that folds all the way around would be ideal, so I don’t have to make room for a fully opened double page spread.
So I need a notebook that is at least 6 x 9″ or so, with a wire-o or spiral binding. Graph paper would be ideal. But narrow ruled would also work. The Appointed notebook would be fine, but it only has a few pages left it in so I’d rather start fresh. You’d think I’d have a bazillion notebooks I could use, such as the really nice Hamelin notebooks I reviewed last year, but I seem to have given away everything that meets this description except for one: this wire-o notebook from Printfresh. (See my Printfresh notebooks review from March 2019.)

I actually think this Printfresh notebook will be great. The paper works well with my typical gel ink pens. It even has a little folder in the front where I can tuck loose sheets. The cover is sturdy enough to support the notebook if I end up using it on my lap instead of on my desk. So I think I’m all set for my new job with this new notebook, for however long its 160 pages last.
I’m kind of disappointed I won’t have that new job experience of going to the supply closet and stocking up on office supply goodies. But on the other hand, I’ve mostly bought my own favorite pens and notebooks for many years, so I guess all I’m missing out on are the Post-Its and paper clips!
” I even — gasp– threw away the Grandluxe and Doane Paper notebooks when I cleaned out my desk. ”
What sacreligious blasphemy is this?
I know, seems crazy! But for some reason I’ve always been less attached to large notebooks used for work or school, as opposed to pocket notebooks used mostly for personal stuff.
Congratulations! :)
I like the full-size notebooks for work as well. Makes it easier to wrangle the random printouts and notes.
Congrats on the new job!! I work full time in a sort-of call center setting and have used up FIFTEEN notebooks since starting about two years ago haha :)
I really like the disc-bound notebooks for notes for jobs (and job searches). The letter-sized ones can hold copies of your resume, and you can get half-letter sized ones at all the office supply stores.
Its nice to be able to go back and reorganize your notes later, or to put them in a different cover if you want to use that one notebook for something else later. (Also, the punches they make for these notebooks make it easy to add things like employee handbooks and other papers you get given)
Add to that, all the brands are compatible with each other, so you can have dividers from one company, or a cute pen holder from another. (My favourite size is actually the “Mini Happy Planner”)
I’ve never been all that interested in disc-bound notebooks, but now you’ve got me thinking I should try one! I like the idea of being able to reorganize pages in a format that is more desk-friendly than a looseleaf.
Congratulations on your new job! Please keep us updated on how you end up using your notebooks or if you opt for something different.
Congrats on the new job. I am sure those notebooks will help you succeed.