As mentioned in a recent post about my daily carry notebooks, I’ve been using an extra Nolty diary to keep a scrapbook of interesting images, often artworks seen in the newspaper or a magazine, or sometimes just random clippings and bits of washi tape. A couple people have asked if I print out online images, but I generally don’t, other than when I was putting miniature NY Times front pages in a notebook. (In 2018, the NYT printed mini pages in the newspaper. For 2019, I saved a bunch as PDFS but I haven’t yet actually printed them out, as it seemed like it would be rather tedious!)
Anyway, below is the video I posted on Instagram, giving you a bit of a peek at the contents!
I have started another image diary for 2020, this time using a regular size Nolty diary (95 x 144 mm) to give me a little more room. I’ve been using a glue stick from Muji to paste the images in– after trying various other glue sticks, the ones from Muji are my favorite.
Have you tried tape runners instead of glue sticks? After time, the little bugs love glue. More important is the dry and neatness aspects of tape runners.
I haven’t used tape like that in a long time, I used to have a small one and I can’t remember why I stopped using it! I think I mainly used it for a scrapbook/photo album project I made as a gift for someone and the tape got gummed up a lot or something. Or maybe it ran out and I just never bothered to refill it. Occasionally I’ll just use a piece of regular clear Scotch tape, though!