What notebooks would you pack for a year-long road trip? Gary is back home now, I think, but he spent a year traveling around the USA in a camper van and the photos below show the notebooks he brought with him:

What does a stationery fanatic and writer do to haul the necessary tools and paper for a year-long sojourn? Many have asked, so here’s the lowdown on the what and how…
The original post linked below has more photos of his various supplies Gary also did some notebook shopping along the way, and of course saw some fabulous sights– check out his photos on Instagram @Inkmuser.
I’m so jealous of his amazing road trip! I did a 5-week cross country drive and wished it could have lasted longer. I brought a few extra notebooks with me on that trip, but nowhere near as many as Gary did! But I was in a car, not a van. With more space, who knows??
Read more: Stationery for a Nomadic Year-Long Sojourn