I couldn’t believe it– just after posting about my 2020 Nolty Diaries and how I’d had to order them from Japan, I went to Kinokuniya Bookstore in New York and there was a huge display!
I think they have a bigger selection than when I first spotted the 2018 Nolty diaries for sale two years ago. The line-up includes the new larger sizes of the Efficiency Notebook, both the regular and smaller Travelers Notebook Passport size compatible Efficiency Notebooks, various other Nolty diaries, and planners from their Pagem brand, which feature more colorful and cute designs.
I’m glad they’re back, and surprised, since I never saw them at this store last year, and when I asked, the staff seemed to have no idea what I was talking about. I figured they’d tried them for one year and given up due to poor sales. But maybe I just missed some window of time when they were available.
In any case, I was kind of annoyed to see this so soon after my order from Japan arrived, but A) Kinokuniya didn’t have the leather Nolty Gold, and B) their prices are higher than what I paid for the regular Nolty diaries. Factoring in shipping, which was about $20 total for the 3 diaries I ordered, and NY sales tax, it’s almost a wash, so if I continue to splurge on the leather covered version, I’ll keep ordering from Japan.