Larry David’s notebook

I recently came across a 2005 post from Orange Crate Art, where he recognizes a description of a familiar notebook in a New Yorker article:

From a New Yorker piece on Larry David and Curb Your Enthusiasm:

Like many comedians, Larry David carries a pocket notebook for writing down ideas. “You’re in a parking garage, and Larry’s wallet is empty–he forgot to ask his assistant to go to the cash machine,” [Robert] Weide, who directs several episodes a year, says. “So he says, ‘Shit, I have no money for the valet–could you give me a few bucks?’ So you find yourself giving money to Larry David, who has a few bucks. And then out comes the little notebook.”

“What would I have done if he hadn’t been there?” David said. “That could have been funny.”

The notebook is a ratty brown thing that looks as if it might have cost forty-nine cents at a stationery store. Its pages are covered with David’s illegible scrawl.

Ratty? I think not. The notebook, as seen in Curb Your Enthusiasm, seems to be a Boorum memo book, made by Esselte Pendaflex. The photograph above is of one of mine ($1.55 whenever I bought it, not all that long ago). Sad to say, I can’t find one reference to this well-made item online. Has it become, like the Blackwing pencil, a part of the past?

Of course the Blackwing pencil has since been resurrected… but these notebooks are still hard to find! I wrote about this same kind of notebook in a 2014 post: Boorum and Pease Brown Taped Spine Notebook and included these photos of my own versions of these notebooks:


These seem to be the closest things currently available on Amazon:

If you’re willing to buy 144 notebooks at once for a good price, these are only sold by the case!

Read more: Orange Crate Art: Larry David’s notebook

2 thoughts on “Larry David’s notebook”

  1. Roaring Spring makes similar tape-bound notebooks; some are top-bound and some are side-bound. The pocket size is very nice. They have printed covers, not solid, but that’s OK with me. Go to Staples or Amazon to find them.

  2. The Roaring Spring version of the Boorum & Peese notebook is still available, but as noted seems to be available only in bulk. If you Google “Roaring Spring 76096” you’ll find the Amazon listing. I got a single notebook from the U. of Washington bookstore. Very nice notebook.

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