“If you needed a reason to get off your smartphone from time to time, consider that keeping a written journal may actually improve your life.”
This article has some tips for those who haven’t yet succeeded in developing the habit of journaling: 4 Tips to Keep a Personal Journal That Can Help You Disconnect and Focus
I recently started journaling consistently in July and I love it! Journaling helps me think about what I’m doing during the day. It also gives me a relaxing feeling. I tend to write only positive things during my day, so the bad stuff fizzles out of my mind. It’s also a great creative outlet when work gets mundane.
I love the feeling of accomplishment when a notebook is filled to the brim with stuff. I also love it when pen runs out of ink and I get to dump it into the pen recycling bin. We have a recycling program specifically for pens here at work! Just a lot of feel good moments over here.
The best piece of advice in the article is to “ditch perfection”. Never buy a notebook just to have it sit empty. Use it to improve yourself.