I feel this person’s pain, and hope someone is able to help! From a local Seattle blog:
“After a car break-in over the weekend, Aidan is just hoping to get one thing back:
Saturday night (last night) our mini cooper was broken into in the Skylark Cafe/Bar parking lot. … They took my messenger bag and my coat… [The bag had] a black journal/sketchbook in the bag that is incredibly important to me. It’s a yearly book and I’ve had one per year since I was sixteen (aka over ten years). I will pay to have it returned. The inside of the book has my name and contact number/email all over it….
We followed up with Aidan to ask for any further descriptive information:
My sketchbook is a Hobonichi Techo yearly planner sketchbook. It’s 4×6″ and it’s very fat. The journal itself is thin but mine is overstuffed with pasted movie tickets, receipts, photos, etc, so it barely closes. It’s black and has a big hero six sticker on the front, as well as a Ninja Turtle Michelangelo popsicle pin (though that might have fallen off). …
The journal resembles these photos: This and this. If you have any information, besides contacting police, you can reach Aidan at: lostsketchbookseattle@gmail.com”
Read the full report at West Seattle Crime Watch: Have you seen Aidan’s sketchbook?. See my Hobonichi Techo review here.