A blog post about a book about field notebooks, with lots of interesting observations, including this:
“The notebook is like a magical object in a fairytale. It is a lot more than an object, as it inhabits and fills out hallowed ground between meditation and production. Truly, writing is a strange business…”
And some images of notebook pages including this:
Sounds like a great book: I Swear I Saw This: Drawings in Fieldwork Notebooks, Namely My Own
“I Swear I Saw This records visionary anthropologist Michael Taussig’s reflections on the fieldwork notebooks he kept through forty years of travels in Colombia. Taking as a starting point a drawing he made in Medellin in 2006-as well as its caption, “I swear I saw this” -Taussig considers the fieldwork notebook as a type of modernist literature and the place where writers and other creators first work out the imaginative logic of discovery…”
Read more at Michael Taussig on Field Notebooks—I Swear I Saw This | Museum Fatigue.