This week’s addict likes notebooks so much, she started her own blog to celebrate them! It’s called For the Love of Notebooks. She writes:
What is really the appeal with a notebook?
For me, I think it’s about a deep desire to fill those pages with words and (preferably) grand thoughts and ideas.
And of course… The sound. That sound thin paper makes when you have written on them, especially with a ballpoint pen, and flip through them. It is the sound of accomplishment I guess, that you have managed to fill those pages with something. I prefer thin paper because of that beautiful sound. I don’t mind show-through at all.There’s just so many possibilities when you pick up a new notebook. What will happen in this journal? What will I write about here? Currently I have a journal and seven other notebooks that I use for different purposes. It’s also satisfying to see a stack of filled notebooks, not just because of the accomplishment you have done, but also the memories and feelings attached to each of the books.
Here’s a few from her collection:
You can see lots more in her posts My Journals and Currently Using, among others.
Thanks for sharing your addiction, Julia!