I stumbled across this wonderful collection while searching for info about Edward Weston’s daybooks. I never did find a photo of those, but I’m so glad I found the Knitorialist! She says:
I started [keeping diaries] at 40. Whatever diaries I kept before that time were regularly disposed of, thinking they contained secret thoughts I didn’t want anyone else to know. I realize now there were no real secrets in those books, just private thoughts that in retrospect weren’t of interest to anyone but me. My books are divided into three categories: early spiral bound notebooks with masked versions of the truth, current journals with stark truths, and so-called “workbooks” which contain fodder and junk and can occasionally be mined for a nugget or two. Whatever. There are a lot of notebooks.
I love notebook collections with lots of variety, but pictures like these appeal to me even more. Years and years of consistency, all lined up. And from what’s she’s written above, there must be quite a few more where these came from!
Read more at The Knitorialist: burning desire.