Peaches emailed me lots of photos of her collection, and some musings on the various brands of notebooks she’s tried… but I think she’ll keep trying even more:
“I still haven’t found the 100% perfect notebook, which would have thick, off-white plain paper and be a hardback just under A5 size. The closest I have come to my ideal notebook is a Japanese lacquer journal from Paperblanks.I have kept journals from the age of 8 when my dad gave me his mini planner notebook. After that I was hooked and kept notebooks for the next 8 years of my life. I must have had around 30 in total and they were a sight to behold as I was very neat as a child but also artistic so they looked like works of art. I stopped writing when I turned 16 and went to college as I just felt too busy to keep up with them. I was also happier in life by then and I noticed that I tended to use journals to vent my anger and frustrations so as I got older and went through fewer hardships I was less compelled to use journals for the cathartic experience. When I turned 20 and finished university I decided I needed to get rid of my old journals as there was so much in them that I wanted to forget. Re-reading the bad experiences of my teenage years just made me feel bad about them, and I also had a lot of secrets written in them – not just mine but my friends’ and familys’. The worry of someone finding these old diaries really stressed me out to the point that I got a shredder and spent a good few weeks of my summer destroying every single page.At 24 I have started journalling again in a big way. I keep notebooks for a variety of purposes – I have a To-Do list book, a book journal, a dream diary, two daily Q+A diaries and a variety of books for random quotes I like, notebooks I write in during bus journeys to work and my usual journal.I don’t regret destroying some of my old journals – there were words in them I’m glad have disappeared. But I wish I’d kept at least a few of them. Yes being a teen had its horrible moments but I also had some really great times and I wish I had kept a few of my old musings to read back on. Thankfully I’ve kept all my old letters (I used to write to a lot of my friends and cousins through the time I was aged 10-16) and still have a few journal-like entries and my old stories stored in A4 folders.What I plan to do now is buy a safe to store all my curent used journals in. But even if someone read them now I wouldn’t be as stressed as I found myself as a teen. I was more social at that age and used to write down practically EVERYTHING I heard and the idea of whispered conversations and secrets coming back to haunt me really worried me. There’s less of that now. These days my notebooks are more personal reflections.”
Here’s some of the collection, as well as a few pages from within:
A fantastic collection of notebooks, including Moleskine, Ciak, Leuchtturm, Peter Pauper Press, Paperblanks and Rhodia. Thanks for sharing your addiction, Peaches!
Ah, thanks for including me! Had totally forgotten I’d emailed you! If you want you can add a link to my blog or to this specific link which is an updated post on my collection :)
I love your blog Nifty, and have been a fan for about a year. So glad to know that I am not alone in this love of journalling and stationery!
This collection is definitely my style!
I share some of Peaches brand preferences: Moleskine and Paperblanks in particular. I have those Paperblanks Intricate Inlays journal. I’ve been drooling over those Peter Pauper Press Antique Monogram and Asian Art Journal that she has.
What pattern is that dark teal Peter Pauper Press elastic smaller journal?
And what is that blue journal with yellow elastic? Cute!