195 thoughts on “Random Giveaway!”

  1. Hi! I found your blog a few months ago and have been following it ever since. I really enjoy reading the reviews, but I especially like it when you point out other artists’ notebooks. I am an artist and a writer, so I go through notebooks like water. Thanks for making this blog!

  2. I like notebooks and was searching for sources for new and interesting ones when I found your blog. Great idea!

  3. I’ve been enjoying reading your blog. I didn’t think anyone else loved notebooks as much as I do. Well, I was wrong! What are some of your favorite pens to write with? Does it vary by notebook or by “subject”?

  4. I just discovered this blog a few days ago and I’m excited to see that there are folks out there as nutty about notebooks, journals, and sketchbooks as me!

  5. Hello! I’ve been following your blog for almost a year now. I really do enjoy reading through posts. Thanks so much for all the useful stuff on here. Long live this blog.

  6. I’m so happy to have found this site and know that I’m among a great group of people that love notebooks as much as I do!

  7. Big notebook fan here. Really appreciate your dedication to the perfect page. Keep up the great work!

  8. I must be doing something wrong. I never get a large enough collection of unused notebooks that I would ever have any to give away.

  9. I don´t enter a lot of competitions, but this I cannot resist. I love notebooks. I love writing and drawing. And I love your blog. <3

  10. Hello! I found your website by Googling about notebooks.
    I really love what you’ve done…it’s my first bookmark!!!
    Thank you… Colman

  11. Notebook + Giveaway = Me leaving a comment, as instructed, so as to increase the likelihood of me receiving the aforementioned free notebook.

  12. Been using all of my notebooks to study for finals so would love some new ones!
    Love the website, thanks for the competition!

  13. I’ve bought ten notebooks in the last two days. I almost feel bad, but then, not. My collection is growing before my eyes. I love this blog. It makes me feel not quite so odd. I visit every day hoping for a new post. Addict of the Week is probably my ultimate favourite. Must remember to send in photos of my bizarre collection.

    Until then, I’ll just have to keep them piling up. To have my collection grow with a mystery package of notebooks would be incredible, but good luck to everyone. We’d all be just as equally delighted.


  14. Random acts of Notebooks are always a good thing. I gave away some yesterday as I had a bunch of triples.

  15. I absolutely love your site. I have a log running relationship with my notebooks, and would not go anywhere with out at least 2 on me at any time. I am so elated to see that I am not the only one. I joined a 12 step program to get over this “Issue”, but I was thrown out while taking notes in the meeting. Ow well I will have to live with this habit.

  16. Yes! I was going to say “notebooks rule,” but that sounds like some kind of weird pun.

  17. Hi! I absolutely LOVE your blog! I have an obsession with notebooks, journals, and paper, and visiting this website is like breathing a breath of fresh air. Thanks for offering this giveaway!

  18. Love the inspiration from your notebook blog and the reassurance that I am not alone… :) Thanks! Great site.

  19. Hello! I’ve been an avid reader of your blog for a few weeks now and have been really enjoying it. I thought I was alone in my love of notebooks.

  20. I have always loved notebooks and, now that my daughters are getting to an age where they are starting to love notebooks too – we can never have enough of them around the house.

  21. I love your blog – it was the first notebook blog I came across and I was blown away by the variety of notebooks that were out there. Also it made me feel less bad about my own notebook stockpile. ^^ Thanks for the chance to win this random giveaway!

  22. I’ve been following your blog for several months and love your work. I’d enjoy some new samples to add to my collection.

  23. I’ve been a lurker here for quite a long time. I’ve always been a digital gadget type of person (Handspring Treo, Dell Axim Pocket PC, Android, iPhone), but a comfortable, soothing part of my brain has an attraction to notebooks and paper that I keep coming back to. My iPhone does a great deal of wonderful things, but it doesn’t form the connection, or mean as much as when I am putting thought to paper with my pen. Thank you for allowing me to step into your website and relax several times a day.

  24. As a paper addict, I love a giveaway like this! Thanks for writing such an inspiring blog:)

  25. I work as a digital designer, and am often teased about my affinity for writing. I like that a blog like this exists. Bravo. Keep passing on the love for writing/drawing in the real world!

  26. Heck yes random notebook giveaway! What better a homewarming gift than new notebooks? (:

  27. Thanks for sharing. I’ve been discovering the joys of going from digital (laptop/IPAD) to analog (pen/pencil and a notebook).

  28. I love notebooks and have been on a quest to find the perfect one for some time. I love your website and visit frequently. Thanks for offering the freebies.

  29. THis is amazing, although I never expect anything less from your wonderful blog. I hope I win some stash enhancement.

  30. Random is almost as good as free. Plus, I liked the LiveScribe article suggested below the post- been raving about it to folks at work the last couple of days. :

  31. Ooh pick me!! I tell everybody about your site so they can see there are other notebook addicts like me & I don’t need to be in therapy :) Thanks for the chance, I really think you’re the coolest!

  32. you can never ever have too much stationery and I’d be glad to help make space for a new batch of stuff for yourself.

  33. Definitely a fan of your blog! I’m always on the lookout for fountain pen friendly notebooks.

  34. I love your blog. I’ve been reading it for at least two years. I should submit my stash photos! Unfortunately I lost a bunch in a house fire, but I had taken photos of most of them beforehand. The giveaway would be a nice boost to my new collection :) Thank you for being so generous!

  35. I appreciate your blog and unique insights. It’s rare to see such generosity as yours. More importantly, the ability to type my response means that you will be able to read my comments whereas if this was hand written, it would be a beautiful mess of unreadable letters and the symbols you don’t use on a calculator made by a nib trail of waterman mysterious blue.

  36. I love your blog! Reading the notebook addicts of the week is my favorite–good to know I’m not alone. :)

  37. I just started following your blog and am rewarded by a giveaway! Love seeing all the notebooks and ideas, thanks.

  38. Love notebooks, and love giveaways. Tanks t o the fountain pen day Facebook page for finding this for me.

  39. Thanks for the chance to win. The perfect excuse to get notebooks I don’t “need” but would really enjoy having!

  40. That is very cool that you are putting this package together. Actually I hope I don’t win, i have too many notebooks according to my wife. (hoping to use reverse psychology on the fates)

  41. Great! You can never, ever possibly have enough notebooks, love the argument for this giveaway!

  42. Appreciate the generosity. Always love reading your blog.

    Another notebook junkie here.

  43. Hello from a fellow notebook fanatic! I love your blog and hope you continue it! :D

  44. Hello! I recently started reading your blog several months ago and have found it very interesting and helpful…especially since I enjoy journaling and sometimes have a hard time finding the “right” journal to get. Your blog has helped me to see the larger picture of the notebook and journal world.Thank you.

  45. Since it’s a random post (I assume), I’ll entertain you.

    I have a moo cow, a new cow, a true cow called Caroline
    (moo moo moo moo)
    She’s an extra special friend of mine
    (moo moo moo moo)
    I like everything about her fine
    (moo MOO moo moo)

  46. I just love your blog! Before, I felt ashamed of buying lots of notebooks without using half of them. Now, thanks to your blog, I’ve discovered that I’m not alone!

  47. Notebooks?!?! Free Give away?!?!?!?!
    I feel like my dog does when he smells the bacon cooking!!!

  48. Ooh, sounds lovely! I would very much enjoy receiving a little package of notebooks in the mail! Thanks for the opportunity!

  49. I love writing and use quite a few notbooks. So a free one would be awsome. Thank you for the chance to get one.

  50. Chances are small, but worth a try :D

    142 might just be the lucky number!!

    I LOVE this blog by the way~

  51. I never knew so many people share this quirk of mine…
    Here’s hoping this will be my lucky number. I’d love a mystery gift of notebooks!

  52. If I am picked I will submit an entry of myself for Notebook Addict of the week!

  53. That’s awesome :)
    One day I’d like to send you a pic of my humble notebook collection ;)
    Take care!

  54. This is great! I love your blog. I always thought my notebook addiction was weird but not anymore! Thank you :)

  55. I’ve been enjoying reading your blog.
    Best regards from France ;0))

  56. What a wonderful idea! ;) I’d love to win a surprise present. Thank you!

  57. Just found your wonderful blog. Would love something to take notes on as I peruse thru the Archives

  58. Just found your wonderful blog. Would love something to take notes on as I peruse thru the Archives

  59. Notebooks give me life! Your blog is like an atomic bomb of awesome, whether I get the notebooks or not, keep up the good work!

  60. Love the blog! It’s so nice to see other folks who are as obsessed with notebooks as I am.

  61. Me, me, me PLEASE! I like, probably every other commentor, have a slight obsession with notebooks and paper.

  62. Oh, I do love me some notebooks, and I seem to be running low. You may choose me, if you please!!

  63. I’m a paper fanatic, I just love everything about it! It would be great to win!

  64. yay! I usually miss these giveaway announcements since I catch up on posts irregularly.

    I love your blog :D thanks for sharing people’s love of notebooks … makes me feel less odd for being so obsessed with collecting them!

  65. Hi, I just discovered your blog today am loving it!! Nice to know other people are just as obsessed as I am!

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