David Bogie shared a couple of great tips: first, this interesting notebook, used to record games of Go. I remember trying to play Go with my dad sometimes when I was a kid, or more frequently, Gomoku, which is much simpler. I certainly never got to the level of having to record my games, but perhaps this notebook would have inspired me!
David also sent me a tip about a book called A Soldier’s Sketchbook, which looks wonderful:
A Soldier’s Sketchbook
, an illustrated memoir from a World War II soldier, is drawn from the letters, sketches, snapshots, and mementos of Pvt. Joseph Farris, who left his home of Danbury, Connecticut, and set off to war aboard the U.S.S. General Gordon in October 1944, bound for France as part of Company M, 398th Infantry. Farris wrote more than 800 letters home, and he hewed his artistic talents with sketches and paintings along the way. He also secretly copied officers’ notes and, once back home after the war, collected clippings and battlefield accounts, which form a sobering counterpoint to his reassurances to his parents that everything is “swell.”
Paul Evans shared a link to Harry Truman’s 1947 diary. You can see the actual pages and transcriptions on the website of the Truman Library:
January 7:
A terrific day. After the usual go around, discussion of the budget and other things, a swim seemed to be in order.
Mr. Byrnes called at 5 P.M. and said he’d like to see me. He came to the executive office and told me that there had been a leak on his resignation, effective Jan. 10th. I had expected to hold a press conference at 4:00 P.M. Jan. 10th and announce the resignation of Mr[.] Byrnes as Sec[retary] of State. About 5 P.M. Mr. B[yrnes] called me and asked if he could see me. I was getting ready for a swim but of course I see any Cabinet Officer at any time. He came to the exec[utive] office all out of breath and told me that the N. Y. Times had obtained the information of his resignation and that he was morally certain that the information had leaked at the White House. Well only my Secretarial Staff knew of it-and they had known since April 19, 1946! Mr. Byrnes finally got round to suggesting that the release should be made at once. Well I called in Charlie Ross and Bill Hassett and we cooked up the release and it was made.
I had indicated to Gen[eral] Marshall that the release would not be made until Jan[.] 10th. But Gen[eral] Marshall is a real man and I’m sure he’ll understand just as I do. Byrnes was very happy at the Diplomatic Reception at 9 P.M. although he was late.
Curtis at Stanley James Press sent me a link to a very cool video:
We got 200 people bookbinding by hand in the summer this year, they all made notebooks in less than 20 minutes, and we made a short film documenting the process – it’s here:Â http://www.
stanleyjamespress.com/2011/06/ 18/200-people-actually-made- notebooks-at-interesting-2011/
Alex sent a link to this very clever sketchbook hack, which is just brilliant for anyone who likes to do watercolor sketches on the go:
As always, many thanks for all the interesting tips and suggestions!
I love those diaries like Truman used. I wish someone still produced a diary like that.