Did anyone else attend one of these events:Â Â Moleskine Words in N.Y. City? I did! I went over to A. I. Friedman, which is one of my favorite places to browse notebooks, and they had a table set up in the front of the store, with a throng of people around it already. A friendly Moleskine representative handed me a free cahier and invited me to dive right in.
The table was set up with ink pads in various colors, and boxes of stamps with various themes: nouns, verbs, symbols, etc. They didn’t stay very well organized for long, though. Everyone was reaching in to find what they wanted, or just randomly making use of whatever they grabbed. And everyone really seemed to be in an almost meditative state of happy creative concentration. At one point the guy managing the table jokingly asked us to keep the noise level down– I guess you might think a public forum for creativity would prompt conversation, but we were all quietly doing our own thing. There is something really fun about stamps– I was surprised they weren’t promoting any particular line of stamp kits, as I felt quite inspired to buy some!
Here’s a few photos I snapped of the set-up at the event, and my own decorated notebook:
I could have gone on and on stamping more pages inside, but it got a bit too crowded– the table was quite small for the number of people who were there. But it really was rather fun– and it was great that they were giving away free notebooks!
I am SO jealous! It sounds like it was a fantastic event! Thanks for sharing it with us:)
The design in the middle picture – sky, peace, and so on – would make a nice cover for an underground/indie band’s collectable coloured-vinyl seven-inch single. It’s perfect.
Why thank you, Andrew. If you know any indie bands that need an album cover designer, send them my way!
I really wanted to attend that event. Great work on the journal!