Geeklet writes about parting with a beloved Moleskine:
You see, I don’t normally finish the things I begin. I write stories, I draw pictures, and then I promptly destroy them, delete them, throw them in the trashcan…to say I am destructive is a true understatement.
Regardless, this notebook, the one pictured here? It made it. In November, it will be one year old since its birth – its first words. Of course, I will finish writing in it tonight, as there will not be enough paper left for me to finish anything I should begin writing tomorrow.
The moment is almost sorrowful – I’m sorry to see it get shelved, with its finished pages, and the sticky-notes marking my favorite scenes. But of course, there is also joy, the joy of a new beginning. I will make a new friend, form a new relationship, and eventually it, too, will end.
I’ve felt that way about a few notebooks– but the sadness of finishing a favorite was always balanced out by the excitement of starting a new one!