This week’s notebook addict has the distinction of being our first Filofax addict:
This is a particularly hard to justify form of notebook addiction– after all, a Filofax is a durable, refillable binder: you can’t “use it up” the way you can with other bound notebooks and journals. 10 Moleskine-type notebooks might not seem like qualification for being a true addict, but 10 Filofaxes definitely counts. Even I only own 4 Filofaxes… I think… though that doesn’t count numerous other non-Filofax-branded binders that I filled with Filofax inserts… and various other small looseleaf notebooks… but most of those were probably cheaper than buying real Filofaxes, which are also one of the most expensive notebook addictions!
Via mywormy’s photostream on Flickr. For more Filofax addicts, check out the Philofaxy pool on Flickr.